

单词 trans-mississippi

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a. in geographical adjectives, formed on the names of rivers, seas, mountains, territories, etc., with the sense ‘situated or lying beyond or on the other side of’, as trans-Adriatic, trans-Alleghanian, trans-Alleghany, trans-Altaian, trans-Baikal, trans-Baikalian, trans-Cantine (the river Cam), trans-Caspian, trans-Caucasian, trans-Danubian, trans-Egyptian, trans-Euphrates ( trans-Euphratesian, trans-Euphratic), trans-Gangetic (Ganges), trans-Grampian, trans-Indus, trans-Indine, trans-Jordan, trans-Jordanic, trans-Juran (Mt. Jura), trans-Mersey, trans-Mississippi, trans-Mississippian, trans-Mosan (R. Meuse), trans-Pyrenean, trans-Severn, trans-Tiberine (also trans-Teverine, Italian trasteverino), trans-Trentane (R. Trent), trans-Ural, trans-Volga, trans-Zambesian, etc. Also from names of planets, Trans-Martian, trans-Neptunian, trans-Uranian, and in humorous nonce-use, as trans-bedpost. (See also transatlantic adj. and n., trans-Pacific adj., Transkei n., Transleithan adj.)
1612 M. Drayton Poly-olbion viii. 120 The Clees, like louing Twinnes,..that stand Trans-Seuerned, behold fair England tow'rds the rise.
a1641 R. Montagu Acts & Monuments (1642) 144 Satrapaes of the Transeuphratesian Countreyes.
1655 T. Fuller Hist. Univ. Cambr. vi. 99 in Church-hist. Brit. Monks Colledge..stood on the trans-Cantine side, an Anchoret in it self, severed by the River from the rest of the University.
1756 C. Lucas Ess. Waters ii. 113 The transmosan territories of Liege.
1797 Cambr. Univ. Cal. 18 That there cannot be a majority of transtrentane, or men born north of the Trent in the seniority.
1802 A. Ranken Hist. France III. i. iii. 30 Burgundy Transjurane..now fell under the superiority of Germany.
1814 Deb. Congr. U.S. 14 Feb. 1422 Even then the trans-Alleganean wilderness was rustling with the preparation of the savage.
1815 J. Adams Wks. (1856) X. 168 Our trans-Alleghanian States, in patriotism,..are at least equal to any in the Union.
1817 H. T. Colebrooke in Trans. Linn. Soc. 12 352 Between the cis-gangetic and trans-gangetic regions.
1825 C. D. Colden Mem. 93 Why should the trans-Allegany States have remained united with those on the Atlantic?
1828 G. S. Faber Sacred Cal. Prophecy II. iii. iii. 116 The transdanubian and transeuphratic conquests of Trajan.
1831 A. Wilson Amer. Ornithol. IV. 31 In the trans-Mississippian territories of the United States, the burrowing owl resides.
1836 F. Mahony Barry in Rel. Father Prout (1859) 503 Of an old transtiberine family, he claimed with the trasteverini unconditionated pedigree.
1840 H. H. Milman Hist. Christianity I. 177 On the remote border of his transjordanic territory.
1845 S. Austin tr. L. von Ranke Hist. Reformation in Germany (ed. 2) II. 445 The generals now, under the eyes of the pope, demanded..as security for payment, the Transteverine city.
1854 H. H. Milman Hist. Lat. Christianity II. iv. ix. 212 Leo revenged himself by severing the Transadriatic provinces..from the Roman patriarchate.
1861 J. G. Sheppard Fall of Rome i. 22 Pannonia was nearly equivalent to trans-Danubian Hungary.
1865 H. B. Tristram Land of Israel xxii. 519 We mounted for our trans-Jordanic expedition.
1875 Harper's Mag. Mar. 572/2 The subdivision..into the Trans-Alleghany, Valley, Middle, and Tide-water districts.
1876 J. S. Blackie Lang. & Lit. Sc. Highlands 40 The quick sensibilities of trans-Grampian philologers.
1878 W. E. Gladstone Homer i. §12. 15 Homer..gives an account of the trans-Egyptian Pygmæans.
1888 Times 9 Oct. 4/1 These outsiders..will also have to settle peacefully in the Russian Transcaspian.
1898 Westm. Gaz. 14 Feb. 2/1 Glimpses of the Jordan valley and the trans-Jordan hills.
1900 M. C. Wilson Irene Petrie xiii. 305 A Campaign in trans-Himalayan lands.
1903 Sir H. H. Johnston in Times 17 Feb. A Government Department..dealing with foreign (i.e., trans-Zambesian) labour.
1934 A. Toynbee Study of Hist. II. 203 Musa had completed the Arab conquest..by occupying the Trans-pyrenaean province of Septimania along the Gallic coast between the Pyrenees and the Rhône.
1852 R. Grant Hist. Physical Astron. xii. 166 M. Valz, of Marseilles, writing to M. Arago in 1835,..made the following..remarks relative to the probable existence of a Trans-Uranian planet.1852 R. Grant Hist. Physical Astron. xii. 185 On the 2nd September, 1846, he [Mr. Adams] transmitted..an account of his further researches on the Trans-Uranian planet.1879 Nature 27 Mar. 481/2 The Trans-Neptunian Planet..Observations made at Washington in 1850 of this supposed planet.1885 A. M. Clerke Pop. Hist. Astron. 98 He [Olbers] supposed that both Ceres and Pallas were fragments of a primitive trans-Martian planet.1864 Miss Cornwallis in Sat. Rev. XVIII. 463 Pray tell me about the trans-bedpost regions; my whole concern at present is the cis-bedpost—a very narrow domain.
extracted from trans-prefix
b. in substantives with the sense ‘the region beyond’ or ‘one dwelling beyond or on the other side of’, as trans-Alleghanian, trans-Mississippi, trans-Mississippian.
1774 J. Adams Diary 23 Oct. (1961) II. 156 I went to the Baptist Church and heard a trans Alleganian—a Preacher, from the back Parts of Virginia.
1883 Cent. Mag. Nov. 142/1 If the President was to attempt to reach the Trans-Mississippi at all,..he should move on at once.
1898 Cent. Mag. Oct. 844/2 The trans-Mississippians have entered upon no line of rural industry with a more intelligent determination to make it a great success than upon dairying.
1949 L. M. Beebe & C. Clegg U.S. West 10 Anyone approaching the matière of the trans-Mississippi in the nineteenth century as an exploiter of new material is either deluded or an imposter.
extracted from trans-prefix
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