

单词 traverse jury

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traverse jury
c. petty (or petit) jury (in contradistinction to grand jury), trial jury, traverse jury, or common jury (in contradistinction to special jury): a jury which tries the final issue of fact in civil or criminal proceedings, and pronounces its decision in a ‘verdict’ upon which the court gives judgement.
society > law > administration of justice > one who administers justice > jury > [noun] > petty or trial jury
petty (or petit) jury1495
common jury1614
second inquest1681
trial jury1884
traverse jury1911
1495 [see grand jury n. at sense 2b].
1607 J. Cowell Interpreter sig. Oo3v Iurie (Iurata) commeth of the french (Iuererii iurare) it signifieth in our common lawe, a companie of men as 24. or 12. Sworne to deliver a truth vpon such euidence, as shalbe deliuered them touching the matter in question.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. xxiii. 358 A common jury is one returned by the sheriff according to the directions of the statute 3 Geo. II. c. 25. which appoints that the sheriff..shall not return a separate panel for every separate cause, as formerly.
extracted from juryn.
traverse jury
traverse jury n. Law a jury operating in a court of second instance or appeal; spec. (a) a jury responsible for adjudicating on a traverse made against a finding, presentment, etc. (obsolete); cf. sense 2a; (b) (now chiefly U.S.) a jury convened specifically to try a civil or criminal case referred for trial by a grand jury; a petty jury (petty jury n. at petty adj. and n. Compounds 1b);.
society > law > administration of justice > one who administers justice > jury > [noun] > appeal jury
traverse jury1746
society > law > administration of justice > one who administers justice > jury > [noun] > petty or trial jury
petty (or petit) jury1495
common jury1614
second inquest1681
trial jury1884
traverse jury1911
1746 R. Richardson Attorney's Pract. Court Common Pleas (ed. 2) I. 496 (table) For summoning, impanneling, and returning the traverse jury, and attending the trials there, which very rarely happens... Clerks..10[s.]
1823 Rep. Sel. Comm. Sewers Metropolis 17 in Parl. Papers V. 1 In all cases where the presentment of the jury is traversed..that traverse must be tried by another jury, to be summoned by the sheriff, which is called a traverse jury.
1911 Univ. Pennsylvania Law Rev. & Amer. Law Reg. 50 222 By the statutes of this state, appeals lie from all inferior courts to higher courts where trial by a traverse jury may be had. In other words, no person can be convicted in this state of even the most petty offence, if he avails himself of his right of appeal, unless each of twelve traverse jurors is convinced of his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
2011 Jones County (Georgia) News (Nexis) 13 Oct. Georgia Supreme Court is setting the rules, and they will not only apply to traverse juries but grand juries as well.
extracted from traversen.
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