

单词 topology


Etymology: < topo- comb. form + -logy comb. form. Compare French topologique adjective, Littré, related to sense 1b.
A term meaning ‘science of place’, which has been tentatively proposed or used in various senses.
a. The department of botany which treats of the localities where plants are found. Obsolete.
the world > plants > botany > [noun] > specific branches or aspects of botany
vegetable statics1691
fossil botany1822
structural botany1835
plant physiology1870
plant geography1878
plant pathology1891
1659 R. Lovell Παμβοτανολογια Pref. The Topologie or place of gathering them. Thus, Herbes, are to be gathered in mountaines, hills and plain places.
b. The art of assisting the memory by associating the thing to be remembered with some place or building, the parts of which are well known. Obsolete.
1860 J. E. Worcester Dict. Eng. Lang. (citing Fleming). Hence in later Dicts.
c. Anatomy: see quot. 1899.
the world > life > the body > study of body > [noun] > human anatomy > regional
1899 New Sydenham Soc. Lexicon Topology, topographic anatomy. The relation of the presenting part of fœtus to the pelvic canal.
2. The scientific study of a particular locality: see quot. 19051.
the world > the earth > earth sciences > geography > [noun] > physical geography > topology or topography
1850 S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds Introd. 12 The selection of wills..has been made more with a view to illustrate the peculiar customs and language of the period than the topology or genealogy of the district.
1903 Cornhill Mag. Feb. 251 The fact that topology is not synonymous with topography, but bears the same relation to topography as geology does to geography.
c1904 Encycl. Dict. Suppl. Topology, the study of the places or localities in a given district.
1905 Q. Rev. Apr. 346 The comparatively new study of topology, the science by which, from the consideration of geographical facts about a locality, one can draw deductions as to its history.
1905 Spectator 10 June 856/1 We need a knowledge not only of topography, but..of that..sister science which has been christened ‘topology’.
a. The branch of mathematics concerned with those properties of figures and surfaces which are independent of size and shape and are unchanged by any deformation that is continuous, neither creating new points nor fusing existing ones; hence, with those of abstract spaces that are invariant under homœomorphic transformations. [ < German topologie (J. B. Listing 1847, in Göttinger Studien i. 814).]
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > [noun] > branches of > topology
analysis situs1792
1883 Nature 1 Feb. 316/2 The term Topology was introduced by Listing to distinguish what may be called qualitative geometry from the ordinary geometry in which quantitative relations chiefly are treated.
1895 I. K. Funk et al. Standard Dict. Eng. Lang. II. Topology..2. Geom. The geometrical theory of situation without respect to size or shape, including the theory of knots in a closed curve and the relations of the bounding parts of a solid.
1929 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 31 290 Analysis situs or topology is primarily concerned with invariants under homeomorphic transformations of a space into itself.
1952 F. Bagemihl et al. tr. L. S. Pontryagin Found. Combinatorial Topology i. 1 Combinatorial topology studies geometric forms by decomposing them into the simplest geometric figures, simplexes, which adjoin one another in a regular fashion.
1959 E. M. Patterson Topol. i. 1 Nowadays mathematicians are in fairly general agreement that topology is a study of continuity.
1970 Observer 15 Feb. (Colour Suppl.) 19/2 Topology is one of the most recent and rapidly advancing branches of mathematics, and is a kind of universal geometry of surfaces.
1972 M. Kline Math. Thought l. 1158 Topology, as it is understood in this century, breaks down into two somewhat separate divisions: point set topology, which is concerned with geometrical figures regarded as collections of points..; and combinatorial or algebraic topology, which treats geometrical figures as aggregates of smaller building blocks.
1975 I. Stewart Concepts Mod. Math. x. 146 The basic objects studied in topology are called topological spaces.
b. (The study of) the topological properties of something. Also transferred.
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > [noun] > branches of > topology > study of
1913 Amer. Jrnl. Math. 35 189 An application..of the transformation by inversion to the topology of plane curves.
1930 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 16 240 (heading) Combinatory topology of convex regions.
1959 Proc. National Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 45 1607 (heading) On the topology of the genetic fine structure.
1972 Sci. Amer. Jan. 65/1 With careful dissection techniques one can expose deep-lying sections of bulk specimens so that their topology can be studied by scanning electron microscopy.
1980 D. L. Cohn Measure Theory p. vii Chapters 1 through 5..presuppose only the familiarity with the topology of Euclidean spaces that a student should acquire in an advanced calculus course.
c. A family of open subsets of an abstract space such that the union of any of the subsets and the intersection of any two of them are members of the family, together with the space itself and the null set.
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > geometric space > [noun] > topological > division or part of
1946 E. Lehmer tr. L. S. Pontryagin Topol. Groups iii. 55 A topology can be introduced into any abstract group G whatsoever in such a way that G becomes a discrete group.
1963 M. J. Mansfield Introd. Topol. ii. 21 The topologies  and  for R..were defined, in effect by specifying neighborhoods for each point and then declaring a set to be a member of the topology if and only if the set contains a neighborhood of each of its points.
1976 Physics Bull. Sept. 388/2 A useful way to think of a topology for a space is as a specification of which functions on it are to be continuous.
d. gen. The way in which constituent parts are interrelated or arranged.
1967 Electronics 6 Mar. 149/1 If consideration is restricted to bipolar gate topologies..there are just three basic forms of IC logic schemes.
1970 Nature 7 Nov. 553/1 These data have been used to construct a topology based on the minimal mutation distance method... This topology places castor..closest to sesame.., then mung bean.., then sunflower.
1971 Physics Bull. Dec. 717/3 Having an axisymmetric topology permits an easier study [of tokamaks] than, say, stellarators.
1972 Computer Jrnl. 15 204/1 The resulting list structure has the same topology as the old, so that re-entrancy and sharing of common substructure are preserved.


toˈpologist n. one versed in topology.
the world > the earth > earth sciences > geography > geographer > [noun] > physical geographer > topologist
the world > relative properties > number > geometry > [noun] > branches of > topology > one who studies
1903 Cornhill Mag. Feb. 258 The French topologist has shown that the Odyssey is subsequent to a vanished Phœnician sea power.
1905 Spectator 10 June 856/1 To the topographist..the site..is a mystery; to the topologist..it is full of meaning.
1954 Sci. News 33 56 If you cross the curve..you must go from one part to another—you cannot stay inside or stay outside. I think that anyone who is not a topologist will accept this as a self-evident fact.
1967 G. Steiner Lang. & Silence 33 I have watched topologists, knowing no syllable of each other's language, working effectively together at a blackboard.
1971 I. G. Gass et al. Understanding Earth iv. 77/1 It is not what the topologists call a simply connected body; it is like a Henry Moore statue: it has a hole in it.
1975 I. Stewart Concepts Mod. Math. x. 146 The oft-quoted assertion that to a topologist a doughnut is the same as a coffee-cup provides an example.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1913; most recently modified version published online September 2021).




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