

单词 touch and go

touch and gon.adj.

Brit. /ˌtʌtʃ (ə)n(d) ˈɡəʊ/, U.S. /ˌtətʃ ən ˈɡoʊ/
Forms: see touch v. and and conj.1, adv., and n.1 and go v.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: to touch and go.
Etymology: < to touch and go (see touch v. Phrases 1).
A. n.
a. The action of touching something momentarily and immediately going away or passing on; an instance of this; something done quickly or instantaneously.
the world > time > duration > shortness or brevity in time > [noun] > something done quickly
touch and go1555
1555 J. Old Acquital Edwarde VI xix. sig. F2v It is ynough to play touche & go in these maters, bycause I speake to men of vnderstandyng.
1600 S. Nicholson Acolastus his After-witte sig. C4 This tuch and goe sets all his teeth on edge, He'le be no Tantalus amid such treasure.
1655 T. Moffett & C. Bennet Healths Improvem. viii. 58 Howsoever we may taste of it to bring on appetite, let it be but a touch and go.
1736 W. Erskine tr. M. H. Vida Scacchia Ludus 73 Agreement has been made for touch and go.
1842 Lit. Gaz. 8 Jan. 27/1 Miss Costello.., like a bee or butterfly, with a touch and go, extracts the materials for her collected treasures.
1858 National Mag. 4 248/1 You'd think the keys were burning, So quick the whistling and the drone, So quick the touch and go, sir, As on they played.
1899 J. Schouler Hist. United States Amer. VI. ii. i. 294 They liked the touch and go of life, and were prone to dissipation.
1940 Ohio (Federal Writers Project) ii. 308 Sandusky is a gay and magical place, when..its bay quickens with the touch-and-go of barges, tugs, pleasure boats and freighters.
1996 A. Mac Lochlainn Corpus in Libr. 96 The darting touch and go of toe or ankle.
b. Nautical. An act or instance of lightly or briefly striking rocks, the seabed, or another vessel without stopping or losing speed; (later also more generally) a precarious or risky situation in which the outcome is uncertain or has the potential to result in disaster or failure. Cf. to touch and go at touch v. Phrases 1a.
the world > action or operation > safety > escape > [noun] > narrow
rub and go1790
touch and go1816
near go1826
close shave1834
a near (also close) toucher1844
near-run thing1860
close call1881
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > danger > [noun] > insecurity > precariousness > precarious situation
a matter of life and (also or) deatha1631
touch and go1816
shaky do1942
1816 Royal Cornwall Gaz. 6 Jan. The only question is, whether this was a stranding..and not merely, as it is vulgarly called, a touch and go, like that now proved.
1816 R. Stevens Ess. on Average (ed. 2) iv. v. 229 To be ‘stranded’ means to remain upon the strand, for some specific length of time, not merely ‘a touch and go’, but a resting there.
1858 C. Hunt in Mercantile Marine Mag. 5 84 Passing so close, that it is often a ‘touch and go’.
1867 W. H. Smyth & E. Belcher Sailor's Word-bk. Touch-and-go, said of anything within an ace of ruin; as in rounding a ship very narrowly to escape rocks, &c., or when, under sail, she rubs against the ground with her keel, without much diminution of her velocity.
1941 Motor Boating Feb. 18/2 It was just a touch and go if we could make port on the rainwater we had caught.
1994 T. Lenfestey Sailor's Illustr. Dict. 454/2 Stranding is more serious than grounding and as interpreted in marine underwriters' policies it does not include a ‘touch and go’.
c. Aeronautics. A manoeuvre in which an aircraft touches the ground as in landing and immediately takes off again.
1945 Training Man. Dominator 57/1 Use the following procedure for touch-and-go (running takeoffs).
1973 R. Hayes Hungarian Game xxxiv. 206 Hagopian watched a blue and white Piper Apache practicing touch and goes.
1990 Aircraft Illustr. Nov. 584 The only aircraft to carry-out a touch and go during the flying sequences.
2013 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 12 May (T Style Mag.) 127 He did a touch-and-go on the side of the crater.
2. A name or nickname for: a person who is quick-tempered or of an impetuous disposition; a person who makes a swift departure after committing a theft or other crime. Obsolete.
the mind > emotion > anger > irascibility > [noun] > irascible person
touch and go1675
spit kitten1912
slow burner1930
1675 T. Duffett Mock-tempest iii. i. 27 Old touch and go, why so hasty?
1827 Berrow's Worcester Jrnl. 5 Feb. 21 Whither has fled great Touch-and-go? He's gone off in a chaise-and-pair, And not a man on earth knows where.
1831 T. L. Peacock Crotchet Castle i. 11 Mr. Touchandgo and the contents of his till were suddenly reported absent.
a1849 E. A. Poe X-ing a Paragrab in Wks. (1856) IV. 263 Exhausted, very naturally, by so stupendous an effort, the great Touch-and-go could attend to nothing farther that night.
B. adj.
1. Involving or characterized by rapidity of action or execution; swift; (sometimes) hasty, precipitate, impetuous, superficial.In quot. 1682 in a figurative expression implying a quick temper; cf. sense A. 2 and as touchy as tinder at touchy adj. 2b.
the world > time > duration > shortness or brevity in time > [adjective] > instantaneous
touch and go1682
on the spot1960
the world > action or operation > manner of action > carelessness > [adjective] > careless, not thorough
touch and go1682
free and easy1864
1682 ‘T. Rationalis’ New News from Bedlam i. 33 Honest Nat. Thompson (that Loyal protestant) Heraclitus Ridens, and the most Worthy and Learned Observator..are..our Touch and Go Tinder-Boxes.
1812 H. Smith & J. Smith Rejected Addr. Pref. p. xi There is an art in writing for the Theatre, technically called touch and go,..indispensable when we consider the small quantum of patience, which..a London audience can be expected to afford.
1851 J. P. Kennedy Swallow Barn (rev. ed.) xii. 107 It was a touch-and-go manner which spoke volumes.
1879 R. L. Stevenson Trav. with Donkey (1886) 98 In the neighbourhood of women, it is but a touch-and-go association that can be formed amongst defenceless men.
1885 M. E. Braddon Wyllard's Weird I. iv. 120 A murder of that kind must be touch and go—no sooner thought of than done.
1919 Assoc. Monthly (Y.W.C.A.) Apr. 172/1 In place of a somewhat touch-and-go acquaintance, with hundreds of lads,..the home Association has a permanent acquaintance with a smaller number.
1994 P. Baker Blood Posse xviii. 204 He couldn't understand how we managed to lose four men in what was supposed to be a touch and go operation.
2. Uncertain as to the outcome; having the potential to result in failure or disaster; precarious, risky. Cf. sense A. 1b.
a. In predicative use.
the world > action or operation > safety > escape > [adjective] > narrow (of escape)
touch and go1800
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > danger > [adjective] > insecure > precarious
touch and go1800
1800 C. Fletcher Naval Guardian I. 262 Ten of our best men went over with the masts, and it was touch and go with the whole of us.
1815 R. Wardlaw Let. in W. L. Alexander Life (1856) vi. 166 'Twas touch and go—but I got my seat.
1887 H. Smart Cleverly Won iii She caught [the horse]..by the mane, and though it was touch and go she managed to retain her seat.
1914 R. H. Benson Oddsfish! iii. iii. 252 I must tell you, Mr. Mallock, that for five minutes last night it was touch and go whether you were not to be arrested.
1969 C. H. Dodd Politics & Govt. Turkey iv. 56 Whether the party would join was very touch and go.
2014 Sydney Morning Herald (Nexis) 10 Nov. 10 To my relief, she was alive and apparently doing well. But it had been touch and go.
b. In attributive use.
1833 Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 12 Oct. 98 How Mr. Wood first got elected..was quite a touch-and-go affair, decided by the happy concurrence of several little accidents.
1856 W. L. Alexander Mem. R. Wardlaw vi. 168 His getting off at all was generally a ‘touch and go’ matter.
1921 Geogr. Jrnl. 58 183 It was a touch-and-go business, and only the standing luck of the British Army saved several drownings.
2013 Daily Oklahoman (Nexis) 17 Aug. 15 a He is still alive and on life support, but it's a touch-and-go situation.
3. Aeronautics. Making use of a manoeuvre in which an aircraft touches the ground as in landing and immediately takes off again (see sense A. 1c); of or relating to such a manoeuvre.
1945 Training Man. Dominator 57/1 You don't have to use full takeoff power and rpm for touch-and-go takeoffs.
1962 Federal Reporter 2nd Ser. 303 705 The pilot of the Cessna..had with him a student who was practicing ‘touch-and-go’ landings in the field.
1986 Aircraft Illustr. July 359/1 An F-14A Tomcat..makes a touch-and-go approach off the angled deck.
1999 Airforces Monthly Oct. 45/1 Other TPS projects included determining the touch-and-go distance for the T-1A.


Proverb. touch and go is a good pilot and variants: as long as one is ultimately successful, it does not matter how close one has come to failure or disaster. Cf. sense A. 1b. Obsolete.
1782 J. Belknap Let. 17 Feb. in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. (1877) 5th Ser. II. 116 I do not foresee any great difficulty that will come in my way till I arrive at the negotiation with Mason in 1747, and then, I believe, I must take for my motto, Touch and go is a good pilot.
1801 Knight & Mason III. i. 2 Touch, and go, is a good pilot, you know, Sir Kitely; the ball grazed against the bone..but has not injured it.
1842 W. H. Maxwell Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran 227 Never was a man booked safer for the gallows; you had a close escape. Well, ‘touch’ and go is good pilotage, they say.
1880 Locomotive Firemen's Monthly Mag. June 163 It was a pretty tight squeeze, and at one time I thought sure I should lose the number of my mess, but ‘touch and go’ is a good pilot you know, and here I am to-day, as good as ever.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, December 2016; most recently modified version published online June 2022).

> as lemmas

to touch and go
a. to touch and go: to touch for an instant and immediately go away or pass on; (frequently figurative) to deal with briefly or cursorily (cf. touch and go n. 1a). Also in nautical use: to touch the bottom with the keel briefly without stopping or losing speed (cf. touch and go n. 1b).
the world > physical sensation > touch and feeling > touching > touch [verb (intransitive)] > touch briefly
to touch and go1549
society > leisure > the arts > literature > art or occupation of writer or author > be the author of or write (a work) [verb (transitive)] > present by literary treatment > deal with briefly
to touch and go1549
1549 H. Latimer 1st Serm. before Kynges Grace sig. Biii As this texte dothe ryse I wyl touche and go, a lytel in euery parte, vntyl I come vnto to muche.
1600 Abp. G. Abbot Expos. Prophet Ionah 446 Therefore it shall be enough for me, now to touch and go.
1771 F. Fleming Life & Adventures Timothy Ginnadrake II. i. 29 Ay, says the captain, he is a good pilot that can touch and go.
1841 Monthly Misc. Aug. 90 It [sc. a book] expounds no one principle..but ‘touches and goes’ on every subject.
1894 Law Rep.: Probate Div. 54 If a ship touches and goes, she is not ‘stranded’.
1979 Cruising World Apr. 18/3 When a ship scrapes over a shoal ground without actually stopping, she is said to ‘touch and go’.
2011 K. K. Wegela What Really Helps v. 53 Instead of touching and going, we hang on.
extracted from touchv.
as lemmas




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