

单词 to whoop it up

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to whoop it up
3. to whoop it up.
a. transitive. To campaign for someone or something,esp. a politician or political cause, in a vocal or enthusiastic way.
1872 Democratic Pharos (Logansport, Indiana) 2 Oct. Thomas A. Hendricks heads the list—a good and true man. Hoop it up for him to the tune of Five Hundred majority.
1888 Cent. Mag. May 156 His rival is a prominent politician, with an abundance of party workers to ‘whoop it up’ for him.
1951 E. Paul Springtime in Paris (U.K. ed.) ii. 19 I supposed that elsewhere in France there might be as many young enthusiasts whooping it up for De Gaulle.
1954 B. Hecht Child of Cent. iv. 230 Sherwood [Anderson] would be able to whoop it up for me in a half-dozen periodicals which had come to consider his word as artistic law.
2016 CNN Newsroom (transcript of TV programme) (Nexis) 9 Apr. More people are whooping it up for him and more people cast votes for him.
b. transitive. colloquial (originally U.S.). To enjoy oneself or celebrate in a noisy way; (also) to stir up political enthusiasm; similarly to whoop things up.
the mind > emotion > excitement > public excitement > stir up or maintain public excitement [verb (intransitive)]
to make a scene of1804
to raise Cain1840
to whoop things up1873
the mind > emotion > excitement > riotous excitement > behave with riotous excitement [verb (intransitive)]
to play up1849
to whoop things up1873
to raise sand1892
to raise (also kick up, play, etc.) merry hell1931
to go ape1955
to go (also drive) bananas1957
society > authority > rule or government > politics > party politics > [verb (intransitive)] > stir up political enthusiasm
to whoop things up1873
society > leisure > social event > a merrymaking or convivial occasion > merrymaking or conviviality > make merry [verb (intransitive)] > noisy or riotous
tirl on the berry?1520
to run the rig1750
to go on the (or a) bend1863
to flare up1869
to whoop it up1873
to paint the town (red)1882
to make whoopee1920
to beat it up1933
1873 Daily Cairo (Illinois) Bull. 28 Oct. They would find him out at twelve or one o'clock at night, whooping it up with the boys.
1881 Southern Collegian (Washington & Lee Univ.) Apr. 291 S. L. Mestrezar, '70-'71, is, to use our expression, ‘whooping things up’ in his part of the world, which is Uniontown, Pa.
1935 P. G. Wodehouse Luck of Bodkins iii. 37 You didn't by any chance..whoop it up with those mysterious foreign adventuresses who haunt those parts?
1944 Life 28 Feb. 90/2 The Prohibition era, when the blustery beer barons were whooping things up and getting their names in the public prints.
1956 ‘J. Wyndham’ Seeds of Time 136 Thousands of trippers whooping it up with pandemonium for most of the night.
1983 Listener 8 Sept. 24/2 The broadcasting moguls and their groupies whooped it up in Edinburgh and other select watering holes.
2019 Trail (Brit. Columbia) Daily Times (Nexis) 12 Sept. The graduates of 1954 are back together in Trail this week ready to whoop it up for their 65th high school reunion.
c. transitive. To create a noisy disturbance.
1875 Fort Wayne (Indiana) Daily Sentinel 26 Mar. [They] were obliged to fork over each a five dollar bank note for disturbing the peace of the city last night, and ‘hooping it up’ with unseemly noise on the street.
1887 T. Stevens Around World on Bicycle I. 11 They simply, in the language of the gold fields, ‘turned themselves loose’, ‘made things hum’, and ‘whooped 'em up’ around the bar-room of their village for..three days.
2019 Balladeer's Blog (Nexis) 30 July Russian Bill and his pal Sandy King often got roaring drunk and rode through Shakespeare whooping it up and shooting their guns in the air.
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