

单词 to weigh anchor

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to weigh anchor
a. Nautical. To heave up (a ship's anchor) from the ground, before sailing. Now usually to weigh anchor (without article). †Formerly also with up, in.
society > travel > travel by water > berthing, mooring, or anchoring > berth, moor, or anchor [verb (intransitive)] > anchor > weigh anchor
to weigh anchor?a1400
to loose the anchor?c1450
to loose one's bark1567
up killick1837–40
society > travel > travel by water > berthing, mooring, or anchoring > berth, moor, or anchor (a ship) [verb (transitive)] > anchor (a ship) > loose (ship) from anchor > weigh (anchor)
?a1400 Morte Arth. 740 Wyghtly one þe wale thay wye up þaire ankers.
c1400 (?c1380) Patience l. 103 Wiȝt at þe wyndas weȝen her ankres.
c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure l. 493 They weyde vp þeire ankyrs.
1492 in Acts Lords of Council Civil Causes (1839) I. 245/1 Compelling of þe saidis Wegeantis seruitouris to wey þer ankeris.
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. li Come to our shyp our ankers ar in wayde.
?1518 Cocke Lorelles Bote sig. C.ijv Than Cocke wayed anker and housed his sayle.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry V f. xliiiiv When the wynde was prosperous..they waied vp the Ankers.
1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis iii. 52 We weyed the anchors.
1589 Voy. W. Towrson in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations i. 101 We wayed our Grapnel and went away.
1626 J. Smith Accidence Young Sea-men 27 Break ground, or way Anchor, heaue a head.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. ii. 45 The windes fauouring vs, we weighed Ankors.
1653 H. Holcroft tr. Procopius Gothick Warre i. 11 in tr. Procopius Hist. Warres Justinian Constantianus wayed Anchor from Epidaurus.
a1665 K. Digby Jrnl. Voy. to Mediterranean (1868) 19 I weighed anchor and sett sayle.
1720 D. Defoe Life Capt. Singleton 182 We weighed Anchor the same Tide, and stood out to Sea.
1773 J. Hawkesworth Acct. Voy. Southern Hemisphere III. iii. ix. 651 In the mean time, as the ship tended, I weighed anchor.
1815 W. Scott Lord of Isles iii. iv. 86 Cormac Doil..Hoisted his sail, his anchor weigh'd.
1835 J. Ross Narr. Second Voy. North-west Passage v. 77 We immediately weighed anchor.
1877 19th Cent. Dec. 769 It was misty and rainy when we weighed anchor, but we made the buoy on the Narrows Bank without difficulty.
1940 M. Dickens Mariana ix. 339 The Captain of the Piccolino had a carefree habit of weighing anchor according to whim rather than schedule.
1997 T. Mackintosh-Smith Yemen (1999) viii. 221 The sun rose as we weighed anchor and headed west.
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