

单词 to wash one's dirty linen in public

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to wash one's dirty linen in public
a. Garments or other articles made of linen; often by extension applied to garments normally or originally made of linen, even when other materials are actually used. Often spec. = undergarments, e.g. shirts; also = bed-linen, table-linen. to wash one's dirty linen at home: to say nothing in public about family affairs, disputes, or scandals. to wash one's dirty linen in public: to discuss an essentially private matter, esp. a dispute or scandal, in public.
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > underwear > [noun]
small clothes1625
long john1941
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > [noun] > made from specific material > other
the world > textiles and clothing > clothing > types or styles of clothing > [noun] > made from specific material > flax or hemp > linen
the world > textiles and clothing > textiles > textile fabric or an article of textile fabric > textile fabric > textile fabric made from specific material > made from flax, hemp, or jute > [noun] > linen > articles made of
housewife's cloth1567
c1330 R. Mannyng Chron. (1810) 334 Alle þei fled on rowe, in lynen white as milke.
c1460 J. Russell Bk. Nurture 876 Wayte hys lynnyn þat hit be clene.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xxi. 466 Lady, aryse, and fette hym suche linnen as he nedeth.
1552 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 140 All my lynnen except my too best shirts.
1600 W. Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream iv. ii. 35 In any case let Thisby haue cleane linnen . View more context for this quotation
1607 T. Middleton Revengers Trag. ii. sig. D3v He and the Duchesse, By night meete in their linnen.
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. x. 449 My Linnen, Letters, and Sacket was lying in my hostery.
1653 I. Walton Compl. Angler iii. 61 Lets go to that house, for the linnen looks white, and smels of Lavender. View more context for this quotation
1695 W. Congreve Love for Love ii. i. 30 Miss Pru. I'm resolv'd I won't let Nurse put any more Lavender among my Smocks—ha, Cousin? Frail. Fie, Miss; amongst your Linnen, you must say—You must never say Smock.
1702 London Gaz. No. 3809/5 A Party of 30 of Paul Diack's Hussars..took away the Linnen that was hanged out to dry upon the Palisades.
1731 Ld. Bathurst Let. 19 Apr. in J. Swift Wks. (1841) II. 649 Washing your linen and mending it, darning your stockings, &c.
1801 M. Edgeworth Forester in Moral Tales I. 162 He..bespoke a suit of clothes. He bought new linen.
1820 J. Keats Eve of St. Agnes in Lamia & Other Poems 98 And still she slept an azure-lidded sleep, In blanched linen, smooth, and lavender'd.
1840 F. Marryat Poor Jack xxvi. 182 Take our dirty linen on shore.
1867 A. Trollope Last Chron. Barset II. xliv. 2 There is nothing..so bad as washing one's dirty linen in public.
1877 R. J. More Under Balkans xv. 216 The parents of the bride gave a present of homespun linen to the godfather and godmother.
1895 Globe 23 May 1 People who ought to wash their dirty linen at home will not be satisfied with a less public laundry than Piccadilly.
1931 Times 3 Aug. 9/1 If the Government had made tactful..representations..to the Holy See,..the whole matter could have been quietly settled without any washing of dirty linen in public.
1935 D. L. Sayers Gaudy Night iv. 80 Even if the poison campaign led to no open disaster..a washing of dirty linen in public was not calculated to do Shrewsbury [College] any good.
1972 Daily Tel. 3 May 16 I know it is not done to wash dirty medical linen in public.
extracted from linenadj.n.
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