

单词 to veil a nun

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to veil (a woman) a nun
2. transitive. To bestow the veil of a nun upon (a woman); to admit into monastic life as a nun or consecrated member of a female religious order. Frequently in passive. Also in to veil (a woman) a nun. Also reflexive: to become a nun (rare).
society > faith > worship > sacrament > order > monastic profession > [verb (transitive)] > admit to > as nun
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1874) V. 305 (MED) Seint Bryde þat Patrik veillede [L. velavit]..overlevede him by sixty ȝere.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) viii. l. 1261 (MED) Thei..make a worthi pourveance Ayein the day whan thei be veiled.
a1439 J. Lydgate Fall of Princes (Bodl. 263) iii. l. 5034 (MED) She was veilled & maad a preesteresse After the rihtis..Of old paynemes.
a1450 St. Edith (Faust.) (1883) l. 623 And other maydones mony mo also Weron veylled þo in þat abbay.
1526 R. Whitford tr. Martiloge f. lxix She was veyled & consecrate by saynt Clement ye pope.
a1604 M. Hanmer Chron. Ireland 43 in J. Ware Two Hist. Ireland (1633) The Nunne Cecubris whom Patricke first vailed of all the women in Ireland.
1631 J. Weever Anc. Funerall Monuments 760 A daughter of his, vailed herselfe a Nunne.
a1661 T. Fuller Worthies (1662) Essex 337 I..conceive she [sc. Matilda Fitz-Walter] had surely been Sainted if vailed.
1741 A. Collins Eng. Baronetage III. ii. 621 Sybil, who veiled herself at Halywel, in com. Middlesex.
1775 Brit. Chronologist 1 43/2 This year Eleanor the King's mother was veiled a nun at Amhresbury... And the same year, Mary the King's daughter, was veiled a nun in the same monastery.
1843 Sat. Mag. 25 Feb. 66/1 She was veiled at Ambresbury in 1289, when only ten years old.
1886 J. Monahan Rec. Ardagh & Clonmacnoise 3 Some hold..that St. Bridget of Kildare was veiled by St. Macchilla.
1925 Mod. Philol. 22 258 On their agreeing he veiled her, after which he veiled the other initiates.
1977 Proc. Royal Irish Acad. C. 77 60 There probably was no tradition of burnings at Cruachan in Offaly where he believed Brigit was veiled.
2011 G. Seabourne Imprisoning Medieval Women i. 40 Female Despensers were put into nunneries, with instructions to veil them at once.
extracted from veilv.
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