

单词 to top up

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to top up
to top up
a. transitive. To add the final or conclusive part or element to (something); to make complete or completely ready; spec. (a) to finish off (a haystack) by forming a rainproof top; (b) to fatten (livestock) for market. Now chiefly English regional (southern and midlands).See also sense 11b.
the world > action or operation > completing > complete (an action or piece of work) [verb (transitive)] > put the finishing touch to
to top out1834
a1642 H. Best Farming & Memorandum Bks. (1984) 37 The other comminge behinde with a rake, to correckt, toppe up, and finish the cocke [of hay].
1644 J. Lightfoot Harmony Foure Evangelists: 1st Pt. 113 His bloodinesse which he [sc. Herod] had used all his life long, and topped up in the murder of these innocents.
1712 J. Morton Nat. Hist. Northants. i. 15 The After-Mart of some of their Pastures is of singular use for the Topping up their Oxen, as they term it, to the London-Markets.
1854 A. E. Baker Gloss. Northants. Words II. 295 Steep, to top up or make up a rick.
1890 ‘R. Boldrewood’ Squatter's Dream 50 They were large and would make good wethers when topped up.
1918 M. Gyte Diary 13 July (1999) 181 They got six loads and raked and topped up the stack.
1995 J. M. Sims-Kimbrey Wodds & Doggerybaw: Lincs. Dial. Dict. 316/2 Top-up, to complete the roof of a haystack.
b. intransitive. colloquial. To bring something to an end; to finish off, conclude. Frequently with with. Cf. to top off 1b at Phrasal verbs. Now rare.
the world > action or operation > completing > complete or conclude action [verb (intransitive)]
to get through1589
to shut up1626
to wind up1631
to top off1836
to top up1837
to roll up1963
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > end or conclusion > be at an end [verb (intransitive)] > make an end, finish up, or conclude
have done!c1300
to wind up1825
to wind (up) one's pirna1835
to top off1836
to drop the flag1925
1836 R. F. Wilson Let. 15 Apr. in J. H. Newman Lett. & Corr. (1891) II. 189 Before they would venture to top up with such a..startling enunciation.
1848 W. M. Thackeray Bk. Snobs xxxix. 152 They absorb pale ale..and ‘top-up’ with glasses of strong waters.
1885 H. R. Haggard King Solomon's Mines i Everything went wrong that trip, and to top up with I got the fever badly.
1947 Gramophone Feb. 139/3 To top up with, a real novelty.
2. Originally British.Not in widespread use in the United States.
a. transitive. To fill up or refill (a partly full container); (more generally) to bring (something) up to full capacity; to replenish or recharge fully.
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electricity > galvanism, voltaism > voltaic or galvanic battery > charge [verb (transitive)]
to top up1937
the world > space > place > presence > fact of taking up space > take up (space or a place) [verb (transitive)] > fill > bring up to capacity
to fill up1712
to top up1937
1885 Hull Packet & E. Riding Times 15 May 6/5 With two lifts of this fork Darby filled a manure cart, and topped it up with a third.
1937 Times 13 Apr. p. xxii/2 A combined acid-level indicator, vent plug and filler cup has been introduced, thus enabling the cells to be ‘topped up’ accurately and visibly.
1958 Times 1 Mar. 6/3 Liquid oxygen..to top up its [sc. a missile's] fuel tanks.
1965 Listener 18 Nov. 800/3 Tea is expensive..so you economize by topping up your mug with hot water.
2016 Straits Times (Singapore) (Nexis) 18 June I bought a pot of lemon balm from a supermarket, transferred it to a bigger pot and topped it up with a mix of sandy, loamy soil.
b. transitive. To increase the level or size of (something); esp. to make a payment in order to increase (an amount of money, credit, etc.) to a certain level.
1900 Derbyshire Times 3 Feb. 2/4 A successful shot topped up the score for the Ripley men.
1968 Listener 27 June 835/3 They..topped up the Welfare State with plenty of money for its more exquisite and bizarre excrescences.
1976 Scotsman 27 Dec. 1/2 It proposes a Scottish Assembly of 100 members... An Assembly member elected for each of the 71 parliamentary constituencies, ‘topped up’ by 29 additional members.
1989 Which? Tax-saving Guide 16/1 You can also get tax relief on any additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) that you make to top up your employer's pension scheme.
2019 @Marlon_COD 30 Aug. in twitter.com (accessed 31 Mar. 2022) I went to top up my phone $11 but instead I got $111.
2020 Metro (Nexis) (Scotl. ed.) 4 Aug. 26 Making extra money to top up your student loan will be much trickier due to a potential drop in parttime jobs.
c. transitive. To provide (a person) with an additional or required amount of something; esp. to refill a glass or cup for (someone).
1900 Horse & Hound 27 Oct. 654/2 We bucked him up with caviare on salt biscuits (try this, you epicures), and topped him up with improved shandy-gaff.
1963 Radio Times 18 July 4/1 Here, let me top you up.
1996 Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) (Nexis) 8 July These days he is given his medication in an injection, along with a few pills to top him up when needed.
2011 S. Hall Beautiful Indifference (2012) 110 Would you like me to top you up there? He gestured to my empty glass.
3. intransitive. Originally and chiefly British. To replenish or recharge one's supply of something; to get a top-up (top-up n. 1). Frequently with with.
1885 W. E. Gladstone Let. 14 July in J. Morley Life Gladstone (1903) III. viii. xii. 217 I am disposed to ‘top up’, with a sea voyage, but this is No. 3—Nos. 1 and 2 being rest and then treatment.
1901 North-Western Advocate (Devonport, Tasmania) 31 Aug. Kittewa..left Newcastle for Kembla..to top up with fuel for Devonport and Burnie.
1960 ‘N. Shute’ Trustee from Toolroom ix. 237 We'll need water, and top up with diesel fuel.
2022 @Gemma66145838 29 Mar. in twitter.com (accessed 31 Mar. 2022) I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app yet it still hasn't updated my meter readings. I have no idea if I need to top up.
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