

单词 to throw aside

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to throw aside
to throw aside
1. transitive. To hurl or fling (something) to one side.
1530 [implied in: J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 281/1 Throwyng asyde.., debaux. (at throwing aside n. at throwing n.2 Compounds 1)].
1546 J. Bale Actes Eng. Votaryes: 1st Pt. f. 41 Now..yt is in good waye to that fredom agayne, & wold fully attayne therunto, were her heythnysh yokes in relygyon ones throwne asyde.
1696 A. Telfair New Confut. Sadducism 10 His Dog catcht a Fulmard by the way, which Andrew threw aside when he came into the House.
1778 P. D. Leslie Philos. Inq. Cause Animal Heat vi. 290 His shirt became so wet that he was obliged to throw it aside.
1857 W. A. Miller Elements Chem. III. 127 When masses of the husk of the grape..are thrown aside, and allowed to ferment.
1933 E. Ferber They brought their Women 14 Miss Fayne threw aside the bedclothes.
2006 ‘J. le Carré’ Mission Song (2007) x. 182 He has thrown aside his jacket but left his tie in place.
2. transitive. To discard or cease to use (something); to set aside.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > non-use > refrain from using [verb (transitive)] > discard from use
to cast asidea1420
to throw aside1532
to put, set or lay by1535
to throw down1548
to throw by1582
to cast by1599
to put aside1872
1532 Gower's De Confessione Amantis Ep. Ded. sig. aa.iiv Whiche olde englysshe wordes and vulgars no wyse man, bycause of theyr antiquite, wyll throwe asyde.
1649 G. Winstanley Breaking of Day of God vi. 131 Common people are afraid, that all Lawes and Governments shall be thrown aside.
1755 H. Fielding Hist. Sir Harry Herald & Sir Edward Haunch III. vi. 96 She forthwith threw aside her prudential Cautions.
1770 C. White Cases in Surg. 3 She herself had..worn a common wooden leg.., but soon threw it aside in favour of the other, which gave her free use of her knee joint.
1827 J. Clare Shepherd's Cal. 59 The old beechen bowl..is thrown aside.
1857 W. A. Miller Elements Chem. III. i. 14 A little of the dried oxide of copper, which is thrown aside.
1880 T. Fowler Locke viii. 128 He throws aside the technical phraseology of the schools.
1934 Scotsman 7 July 15/6 Practically all the old surveys have been thrown aside as waste, and only a few remain.
2008 A. Halavais in J. Turrow & L. Tsui Hyperlinked Society (2011) i. 48 Companies are throwing aside traditional hierarchies in favor of more agile, networked organizations.
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