

单词 to spread a large clew

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to spread a large (full, small) clew
a. Nautical. A lower corner of a square sail, or the aftmost corner of a fore-and-aft sail, to which are made fast the tacks and sheets by which it is extended and held to the lower yard. †to spread a large (full, small) clew: (of a square sail) to have the two lower corners of the sail wide (or otherwise) apart; hence, to spread large (or small) canvas. from clew to earing: literal the diagonal of a square sail: figurative from bottom to top, ‘from top to toe’, completely.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > completeness > completely [phrase] > thoroughly > from beginning to end or through and through
to the boneOE
through and throughc1225
out and outc1300
from top to tail1303
out and inc1390
(from) head to heel (also heels)c1400
(from) head to foot (also feet)c1425
from top to (into, unto) toec1425
to the skin1526
to one's (also the) finger (also fingers') ends1530
from first to last1536
up and down1542
whole out1562
to the pith1587
to the back1594
from A to (also until) Z1612
from clew to earing1627
from top to bottom1666
back and edge1673
all hollow1762
(all) to pieces1788
from A to Za1821
to one's (also the) fingertips1825
to one's fingernails1851
from tip to toe1853
down to the ground1859
to the backbone1864
right the way1867
pur sang1893
from the ground up1895
in and out1895
from soda (card) to hock1902
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > masts, rigging, or sails > sail > [noun] > lower corner(s) of sail > clew
spectacle clew1863
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. vii. 32 When the Saile is large and hath a good Clew, we say she spreds a large Clew, or spreds much Canuas.
1645 Bp. J. Hall Remedy Discontentm. xii. 62 Having that large clew which they spread, expos'd to all windes.
1698 Capt. Langford in Philos. Trans. (Royal Soc.) 20 412 The Clews of the Sails I spik'd all down to the Timbers.
1707 J. Harris Lexicon Technicum Clew of the Sail of a Ship is the lower Corner of it which reaches down to that Earing where the Tackles and Sheats are fastned.
1874 F. G. D. Bedford Sailor's Pocket Bk. vi. 171 If weights be fastened to the clews, the boat's drift will be much retarded.
extracted from clewn.
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