

单词 to sit on a person's right hand

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to sit on (also at) a person's right hand
a. to sit on (also at) a person's right hand and variants: to sit to the immediate right of a host, a position traditionally accorded to the guest of honour, or to the person next after the host in rank or authority; (hence) to occupy a position of particular favour or privilege. Cf. right-hand man n. (b) at Compounds.Originally in or with direct allusion to Biblical passages, esp. Hebrews 1:3 and 1 Peter 3:22, and to the Creed in the Christian liturgy.
c1225Riht hond [see sense A. 2].
a1250 Lofsong Louerde in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. Minor Creed 217 Þer he sit o godes rithond feder al-mihti.
a1333 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 22 (MED) Þou sist in godes ryth hond in þy uaderes blisse.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) II. 1612/2 Christ shall sit..at the right hand of God, vnto the consumption of the world.
1653 Ld. Vaux tr. A. Godeau Life St. Paul 310 Jesus Christ having once offered the Host of His body, is seated at the right hand of God.
1716 Lady M. W. Montagu Let. 14 Sept. (1965) I. 266 She order'd me a seat at her right hand.
1762 T. Smollett Adventures Sir Launcelot Greaves I. xii. 251 That wretched low-bred woman, who now sits at your right hand as associate of power and presumption.
1809 Visct. Valentia Voy. I. 100 He led me to a small couch close to the purdah, and seated me on his right hand..between his mother and himself.
1856 J. Banks tr. Callimachus Hymn to Apollo in Wks. Hesiod, Callimachus, & Theognis 128 Apollo will honour the choir, because it sings to his taste; for he is able, seeing that he sits at Jove's right hand.
1940 Trans. & Proc. Amer. Philol. Assoc. 71 334 In Salutati's phrontistery Gorgias sits at the right hand of Socrates.
1977 N.Y. Mag. 19 Sept. 118/1 Hamilton Jordan, who sits at Carter's right hand, ordered delivered up to his office a list of any and all federally funded programs.
2001 P. Gregory Other Boleyn Girl (2007) 189 There was no question now of who sat at the right hand of the king... She [sc. the queen] did not flaunt her return to favor.
extracted from right handn.adj.
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