

单词 to take leave

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to take (one's) leave (of)
(a) to take (one's) leave (of): (a) to obtain permission to depart (obsolete rare); (b) to depart with some expression of farewell, to say goodbye (now formal). In early use also with †at, †to, †on, and with a (near) synonym, as †catch (see to catch one's leave at catch v. Phrases 2a), †fang, †latch (see latch v.1 4b), †nim, etc.See also to take (a) dog's leave at dog n.1 Phrases 15, to take (†a) French leave at French leave n.
(i) In literal use.
the mind > possession > relinquishing > make relinquishment [verb (intransitive)]
to take leavelOE
to jack up1870
society > authority > lack of subjection > permission > permit [verb (intransitive)] > obtain permission > to depart
to take leavelOE
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > use formal courtesy in act or expression [verb (intransitive)] > bid farewell
to take leavelOE
to latch one's ease, one's leave1377
to take congee1377
to get one's leave?a1513
to take adieu (also farewell)1539
to shake hands1546
to give congeea1645
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1097 Se arcebiscop Ansealm of Cantwarbyrig leafe æt þam cynge nam, þeah hit þam cynge ungewill wære þæs þe men leton, & ofer sæ for.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 11255 (MED) Seoððen he lefe [c1300 Otho lefue] nom & forð he gon liðen.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) l. 1387 (MED) Þanne he hauede his bede seyd..His leue at ihesu crist he tok.
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 2697 Mai he no leue at hire taken, But if he it mai mið crafte maken.
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 780 They toke hir leue, and on hir wey they gon.
a1475 J. Russell Bk. Nurture (Harl. 4011) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 182 Of youre souerayne take no leue; but low to hym alowt.
a1500 (?a1400) Wars Alexander (Trin. Dublin) l. 899 Faire at philip þe fers þair leue þai fangen.
a1500 (?a1400) Sir Torrent of Portyngale (1887) l. 947 Torrente..toke leve on kyng and knyght.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. x. 9 This lady departed..and all her company, with syr John of Heynaulte, who with great peyne gatte leue of his brother.
1588 R. Greene Pandosto sig. D3 Ech taking their leaue at other.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1895) II. 458 Jlk from vther takeng thair lyue departet.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard II i. iii. 50 Let vs take a ceremonious leaue, And louing fare well of our seuerall friends. View more context for this quotation
1612 B. Jonson Alchemist v. iv. sig. Mv We will..take our leaues of this ore-weening Raskall. View more context for this quotation
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost iii. 739 And Satan bowing low..Took leave . View more context for this quotation
1669 T. Shadwell Royal Shepherdess iv. 69 I will not take my leave on you, for I intend to see my dear Husband again.
1719 D. Defoe Farther Adventures Robinson Crusoe 373 The young Lord took his leave of us.
1768 A. Tucker Light of Nature Pursued II. ii. 239 Taking an amorous leave with By'e sweet Socrates, and By'e little Searchy.
1809 B. H. Malkin tr. A. R. Le Sage Adventures Gil Blas I. iii. iv. 375 The servants' hall and the dining-room were in equally high order, when we took our leave.
1864 J. W. Carlyle Lett. III. 236 When she took leave of me the night before starting.
1917 E. Wharton Summer ix. 129 When they took leave of each other she promised to continue to be his guide.
1949 ‘G. Orwell’ Nineteen Eighty-four i. ii. 26 He took his leave of Mrs Parsons and made for the door.
1977 P. O'Brian Mauritius Command ii. 34 We may touch at St Helena, but otherwise I must take my leave until we reach our port.
2004 Independent 14 May (Review section) 12/2 The scene..in which he takes leave of his wife and family..is heartrending.
(ii) figurative and in figurative contexts.to take leave of one's senses: see sense n. Phrases 2a(d).
?a1425 (?a1350) T. Castleford Chron. Lear l. 358 in G. Haselbach & G. Hartmann Festschrift (1957) 225 (MED) He, on aeld man and a grefe, Þat wyll of werld noght take hys leyf.
?1508 Balade in Sir Eglamour (Chepman & Myllar) sig. cviiiv I tak my leve at all vnstedfastnes.
a1513 W. Dunbar Poems (1998) I. 227 Twa curis or thre hes vplandis Michell..Thocht he fra nolt had new tane leif.
1597 T. Morley Plaine & Easie Introd. Musicke 115 I wil then take my leaue of you for this time, till my next leisure, at which time I meane to learne of you that part of musicke which resteth.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. v. 225 We take our leaves of Tyndal.
1660 J. Milton Readie Way Free Commonw. (ed. 2) 5 They may permitt us a little Shroving-time first, wherin to speak freely, and take our leaves of Libertie.
a1701 H. Maundrell Journey Aleppo to Jerusalem (1703) 107 We went to take our leaves of the holy Sepulcher.
1723 R. Wodrow Corr. (1843) III. 33 There was never a schoolboy more desirous to have the play than I am to have leave of this world.
a1790 B. Franklin Autobiogr. (1981) i. 50 I now took Leave of Printing, as I thought for ever.
1820 J. Keats Hyperion: a Fragm. iii, in Lamia & Other Poems 198 Liker still to one who should take leave Of pale immortal death, and..with fierce convulse Die into life.
1846 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. Oct. 458/1 All thoughts of revenge had taken leave of his mind.
1858 Titan Dec. 644/1 The little fellow, advanced to the dignity of positive froghood, takes his leave of the water.
1920 T. S. Eliot Sacred Wood 11 Coleridge is apt to take leave of the data of criticism.
1969 Times of India 14 Jan. 8/3 The people will wonder if the poor wretch has taken leave of his mind.
1993 Guardian 19 July i. 1/4 Ian Botham takes his leave of first-class cricket today.
2002 A. N. Wilson Victorians (2003) xiv. 185 The more speedily they took leave of the faith and ideas of pre-industrial, pre-Enlightenment life, the more the Victorians loved faking up the externals of the Middle Ages.
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