

单词 to take kindly

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to take (something) kindly
P1. to take (something) kindly: to accept (something) pleasantly or with gratitude; (also) to like or be pleased by something.
the mind > possession > acquisition > receiving > receive [verb (transitive)] > accept > pleasantly or as a kindness
to take (something) kindly1564
1564 W. Bullein Dialogue against Fever Pestilence f. 14 He will take it kindely, that we doe claime kinred on him by his mothers side.
1586 A. Day Eng. Secretorie i. sig. Hv I haue wel conceiued of your letter..and doe take verye kindely whatsoeuer therin with good affection you haue so plentifully tendred.
1648 Mercurius Pragmaticus No. 30 sig. Ttv The poore oppressed Countryman cannot chuse but take it kindly at their hands, to be mock't and suck't by these Flesh-flies both together.
1677 A. Littleton Eng.–Lat. Dict. (at cited word), in Dictionarium Latino-Barbarum To take a thing kindly,..œquo, bono animo accipere.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 14. ⁋1 I took his Admonition kindly.
1767 G. Whitefield Let. 28 Dec. in Wks. (1771) III. 367 What if you wrote him a line? I am sure it will be taken kindly; for I know he honours and loves you.
1856 ‘Stonehenge’ Man. Brit. Rural Sports 378/2 If the horse will take them [sc. hurdles] kindly.., he may be considered perfect.
1890 Macmillan's Mag. Sept. 372/2 If you found she took it kindly you could offer her the brooch afterwards.
1961 P. Larkin Let. 10 Apr. in Sel. Lett. (1992) 327 It was good of you to take it kindly & not tell me to pull myself together etcetera !
1983 W. Goldman Adventures in Screen Trade 216 If we ‘Hollywooded it up’—i.e., put in dancing girls—there was no way they would take it kindly.
2014 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 15 Sept. d7 He spared his coach a defeat that would not have been taken kindly by the friends of the program in State College.
extracted from kindlyadv.
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