

单词 to stop mouth

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to stop (one's own or another's) mouth
b. to stop (one's own or another's) mouth: literal, as with a gag or muzzle; figurative to compel or induce to be silent; occasionally †to satisfy (a person's) appetite. Also, to stop the mouth of (a lion), to prevent him from devouring his prey.
the mind > language > speech > taciturnity or reticence > be silent/refrain from speaking [verb (intransitive)] > restrain a person or oneself from speaking
to stop (one's own or another's) mouthc1384
the world > food and drink > food > providing or receiving food > feeding animals > [verb (transitive)] > prevent from eating
to stop the mouth ofc1384
the world > physical sensation > hearing and noise > voice or vocal sound > loss or lack of voice > deprive of voice [verb (transitive)] > put to silence
to put silence toc1384
to stop (one's own or another's) mouthc1384
to put (a person or thing) to silencea1464
to button up (a person's) lip (also mouth)1601
to shut up1814
to pipe down1926
to button (a person's) lip (also mouth)1968
the world > food and drink > food > consumption of food or drink > appetite > satisfying hunger or thirst > satisfy or relieve hunger or thirst [verb (transitive)] > satisfy hungry person
to stop (one's own or another's) mouthc1384
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Heb. xi. 33 Thei stoppiden the mouthis of lyouns.
c1450 Mirk's Festial 58 The þrid skylle was forto stoppe mowthes, lest þay had sayde þat þay dyd not þe lawe.
c1460 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Laud) l. 17438 Thise knyghtes anon we yeftes bede That we may stoppe her mowþe with mede.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Richard III f. xl Some saie yt he had a smal office or a ferme to stoppe his mouthe with al.
1600 W. Shakespeare Much Ado about Nothing ii. i. 291 Speake cosin, or (if you cannot) stop his mouth with a kisse, and let not him speake neither. View more context for this quotation
1632 J. Hayward tr. G. F. Biondi Eromena 28 The Baron of Ianque..(lest the Lady Admirall should cry out) held close her mouth stopt up with the sheetes.
1648 Bp. J. Hall Breathings Devout Soul xxiii. 35 Under heaven there can be no bounds set to this intellectuall appetite: O do thou stop the mouth of my soul with thy self, who art infinite.
1714 E. Budgell tr. Theophrastus Moral Characters ii. 9 He..stops his Mouth with his Handkerchief that he may not laugh out.
1722 W. Wollaston Relig. of Nature vii. 148 The controversy may be fairly decided, and all mouths eternally stopped.
1782 W. Cowper Conversation in Poems 236 Give it the breast or stop its mouth with pap!
1859 E. FitzGerald tr. Rubáiyát Omar Khayyám xxv. 6 Their Words to Scorn Are scatter'd, and their Mouths are stopt with Dust.
1888 ‘J. S. Winter’ Bootle's Children xiv. 106 They wanted to know..who it was, and—and I just said it was my sister by way of stopping their mouths.
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