

单词 to stink of money

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to stink of (or with) money
b. figurative. To be offensive; to be abhorrent; to savour offensively of something. Phrases, to stink in (a person's) nostrils; also (slang), to stink of (or with) money: to be ‘offensively’ rich.
the mind > emotion > hatred > object of detestation (person or thing) > become loathsome [verb (intransitive)]
the mind > emotion > hatred > loathing or detestation > loathe or abhor [verb (intransitive)] > be loathsome or abhorrent
the mind > possession > wealth > be rich [verb (intransitive)] > be very rich
to roll in ——1573
to stink of (or with) money1877
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 110 Ach þulli sacrefise stinkeð to ure lauerd.
1303 R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne 8312 Þese twey cytees, boþe þey sank, For þey hadde ioye at synne þat stank.
c1450 Mirk's Festial 68 For oure forme synne stanke soo yn Godys nase, þat [etc.].
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Prov. x. A The name of the vngodly shal stynke.
1609 W. Shakespeare Pericles xix. 160 He makes our profession as it were to stincke afore the face of the gods. View more context for this quotation
1612 Mr. King tr. Benvenuto Passenger i. ii. 141 A false wicked tongue stinkes of an hereticall conscience, but what then?
1674 in F. P. Verney & M. M. Verney Mem. Verney Family 17th Cent. (1907) II. 359 To make me stincke in the nostrills of my ould associates.
1867 Goldw. Smith in Brodrick Ess. Reform 230 Reputed renegades, whose names stank in the nostrils of the party which they had left.
1877 E. Peacock Gloss. Words Manley & Corringham, Lincs. 239/2 A very proud man is said to ‘stink wi' pride’, a very rich one to ‘stink o' brass’.
1886 R. L. Stevenson Strange Case Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde 7 We told the man we could..make such a scandal out of this, as should make his name stink from one end of London to the other.
1919 E. Jones in Jrnl. Abnormal Psychol. 13 273 We speak of a ‘dirty or filthy miser’, of a man ‘rolling’ or ‘wallowing’ in money, or of a man ‘stinking of money’.
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses i. i. [Telemachus] 7 Touch him for a guinea. He's stinking with money.
1932 I. Brown Marine Parade xii. 152 We must do our best. He stinks of money. Will you fix up about rooms and for God's sake let's have a decent dinner.
proverbial.c1386 G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Prol. & Tale 515 As witnessen thise olde wyse; And that ful soone I wol it verifie In this Chanon.1539 R. Taverner tr. Erasmus Prouerbes sig. D.iijv Profered ware stynketh. Seruice yt is wyllyngly offered is for most parte to be suspected.
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