

单词 to stick with

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to stick with ——
to stick with ——
1. intransitive.
a. To be faithful or loyal to (a person or group); to stay with; to refuse to abandon.
the world > action or operation > easiness > aid, help, or assistance > support > support or encouragement > support or encourage [verb (transitive)] > take someone's side or side with
to stand with ——1384
to take (a) part witha1470
to hold sides1490
to take the part ofc1500
to stick with ——1523
to join issue1551
to make with ——1559
to take in1597
to fall in1709
to take for ——1770
to take up for1824
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. f. lxxxx/1 And there [he]..promysed the duke to stycke with hym in good & yuell.
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes f. 281 Because thei had taken parte and sticked hard with the enemies of Sylla [L. quod hostium partibus adhæsissent].
a1896 J. G. Bourke Diary (2005) II. 83 [He] says he will stick with the column if he has to be hauled on a travois.
1913 Internat. Socialist Rev. Sept. 157/1 Get one of your shopmates to stick with you. Then you two get two more, and continue thus until you have enough members for a charter.
1958 M. L. King Stride toward Freedom vii. 127 We would stick with them through their difficulties. ‘We must remain together,’ we kept repeating.
2014 Wall St. Jrnl. 27 Dec. a20/3 They stick with stylists they like. Other players use the friseurs that teams find for them.
b. To adhere to (an account, plan, course of action, etc.); to persevere or continue with (something).
1915 J. London Jacket iv. 28 Stick with it. Don't ever let'm know.
1938 K. Burke Let. 8 Aug. (1988) 222 I feel that I should try to stick with agro-Bohemianism, for all its financial rigors.
1976 M. Machlin Pipeline xlviii. 505 ‘I've known all along it was a Goddamn fool plan.’.. ‘Then why have you stuck with it so long?’
1991 Gay Times Mar. 98/2 It is essential to stick with water-based lubricants.
2014 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 22 Oct. a5/3 The students stuck with their demands for immediate changes to Hong Kong's election law.
2. intransitive. To persist in arguing with (a person). Also: to haggle with (a person). Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > debate, disputation, argument > controversy, dispute, argument > argue about, dispute [verb (transitive)] > persistently
to stick with ——1529
1529 T. More Dyaloge Dyuers Maters i. xvii. f. xxi/1 Albe yt that I haue long stycked wyth you to wythstand any credence to be geuen to myracles don now adayes.
1531 W. Tyndale Answere Mores Dialoge f. cxxiiij He sayth it is euident..that a man..maye geue..his body to burne for ye name of Christe, and all with out charite. Well I wyll not stycke wyth him: he maye so doo [etc.].
1631 B. Jonson Staple of Newes iii. ii. 71 in Wks. II P. Iu. For that I'll beare the charge: There's two Pieces. Fit. Come, do not stick with the gentleman.
1651 R. Baxter Plain Script. Proof Infants Church-membership & Baptism 179 I will not stick with you for the phrase of Speech, when the thing is the same.
3. intransitive. Of an emotion, thought, memory, etc.: to remain with (a person); to linger in the mind of (a person).
the mind > mental capacity > memory > retention in the mind > remain in the mind [verb (intransitive)] > painfully
to stick with ——1557
1557 Dialoge of Comfort (new ed.) iii. xx, in Wks. Sir T. More 1247/2 I cannot then see, that the feare..shold any thing sticke with vs, & make vs toto shrinke.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §997 The Going away of that, which had staid so long, doth yet sticke with mee.
1666 J. Bunyan Grace Abounding §148 And this [sc. fear of eternal damnation] stuck always with me.
1724 D. Defoe Fortunate Mistress 289 I cannot but say, that sometimes the Baseness of the Action stuck hard with me.
1894 Harper's Mag. Oct. 678/1 The sheriff's reason again destroyed the germ of suspicion that something plainly against reason had several times put in his thoughts. Yet it stuck with him that they had hold of the wrong man.
1909 Bull. N. Carolina Dept. Agric. Oct. 50 The thought stuck with me. I believe he was right.
1994 ‘Dr. John’ & J. Rummel Under Hoodoo Moon i. 4 I don't know why, but that memory stuck with me like a remembered dream.
4. intransitive. Of a theory or argument: to be impossible for (a person) to accept; to present an obstacle to. Also of a person: to be unacceptable to (another). Obsolete.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > disbelief, incredulity > disbelieve [verb (intransitive)] > be incredible
to stick with ——a1628
to stagger belief1757
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > disapproval > disapprove of [verb (transitive)] > be unacceptable to
to stick with ——a1628
a1628 J. Preston Foure Serm. i. 7 in New Covenant (1629) God that knew Moses heart, knew where that objection lay, where it stucke with him, he was able to bring arguments to perswade him.
1643 W. Prynne Soveraigne Power Parl. iii. 140 Because this objection stickes most with many Schollars,..I shall endeavour to give a satisfactory answer to it.
1713 A. Collier Clavis Universalis i. i. 12 I had never any Design to Palm this Distinction upon my Reader gratis, foreseeing it might stick with him.
1719 D. Waterland Vindic. Christ's Divinity 216 The principal Thing which stuck with Him [sc. Arius], was..the strict Eternity or Co-eternity of the Son.
1816 W. Scott Old Mortality Concl., in Tales of my Landlord 1st Ser. IV. 342 Lady Margaret was prevailed on to countenance Morton, although the old Covenanter, his father, stuck sorely with her for some time.
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