

单词 to stick in the throat

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to stick in the throat (also craw, gizzard, stomach, etc.)
b. intransitive. to stick in the throat (also craw, gizzard, stomach, etc.) and variants: (of a notion, proposal, situation, etc.) to be a cause of resentment; to be difficult to accept.
the mind > emotion > suffering > displeasure > be or become displeased [verb (intransitive)] > displease
to stick in the throat (also craw, gizzard, stomach, etc.)c1536
to give (also cause, etc.) offence to1712
spoil sport1869
to get in bad1902
c1536 in J. Raine Priory of Hexham (1864) I. App. p. clix There is somewhat that stykkes in their stomakkes.
1580 A. Munday Zelauto 41 What peremptorie brags you made, yet sticke on my stomacke.
1679 Vindic. Sir T. Player 1/2 'Tis the Matter, not the Manner that sticks in our Unworthy Respondents Gizzard.
1704 Visits from Shades I. xvi. 131 The Canons and 39 Articles wou'd never go down with me, and stuck in my Throat like so many Burs.
1752 H. Fielding Amelia IV. iv. 152 To be indebted to such a Fellow, at any rate, had stuck much in his Stomach, and had given him very great Uneasiness.
1833 R. H. Froude Remains (1838) I. 322 That odious Protestantism sticks in people's gizzard.
1843 C. Dickens Let. 1 Feb. (1974) III. 434 Your dedication to Peel stuck in my throat.
1871 W. Alexander Johnny Gibb xxii. 132 A bane that'll stick i' the thrapple o' the Moderate pairty.
1924 G. B. Shaw St. Joan Pref. p. li The truth sticks in our throats with all the sauces it is served with.
1938 W. S. Maugham Summing Up lxxvi. 310 This notion has long stuck in my gizzard.
1950 ‘W. Cooper’ Scenes Provinc. Life iii. i. 146 I did think of marrying her—this angry hurt recurred. I could not get over it. It stuck, as they say, in my craw.
1958 C. P. Snow Conscience of Rich xxxi. 232 I didn't like refusing, but it stuck in my gullet to help that blasted group of reds.
1976 A. Price War Game ii. i. 193 Weston would find the accident..sticking in his throat, a question much too sharp to be swallowed.
2004 N.Y. Times 23 May 30/1 But what pleases judges sticks in the craw of some litigants, who..feel bludgeoned into settling by a report that does not favor them.
extracted from stickv.1
to stick in the throat (also †teeth)
c. intransitive. to stick in the throat (also †teeth) and variants: (of a word or words) to be unable to be uttered, esp. through emotion or reluctance; to be uttered indistinctly; (also of a person's voice) to fail.Quot. a1522 shows a similar expression using a form of steek v.2 (cf. steek v.2 4).
the mind > language > speech > taciturnity or reticence > be silent/refrain from speaking [verb (intransitive)] > not be spoken (of words)
to stick in the throat (also teeth)1566
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1957) ii. xii. 27 Speke mycht I not, the voce in my hals swa stak.]
1566 W. Painter Palace of Pleasure I. xxxvi. 79 With good vtterance, wherof no worde stucke betwene her teeth, or was impeached by default of tongue.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) ii. ii. 31 Amen stuck in my throat . View more context for this quotation
1634 Bp. J. Hall Contempl. Hist. New Test. (STC 12640.5) 219 How this suit sticks in her teeth; and dare not freely come forth.
1657 tr. F. de Quevedo Life & Adventures of Buscon 55 The showr of Spittle and Snot which fell upon me, was so violent, that the rest of my words stuck in my teeth.
1770 Fatal Friendship II. xxxviii. 18 The last word stuck in his teeth, and was hardly articulate.
1819 J. Hodgson in J. Raine Mem. J. Hodgson (1857) I. 241 His words stuck in his hause.
1822 W. Scott Fortunes of Nigel II. iii. 50 ‘My lord,’—said Richie, and then stopped to cough and hem, as if what he had to say stuck somewhat in his throat.
1885 Good Cheer 42/2 Bless you! his tongue was as dry as a bone. The words stuck in his throat.
1932 ‘L. G. Gibbon’ Sunset Song iv. 232 Rob cried ‘Oh man, I'd go back with you the morn if only—’ and the words fair seemed to stick in his throat.
1979 E. Lovelace Dragon can't Dance iv. 58 And he would say, ‘That ain't nutten, man,’ but his voice would be sticking in his throat..so keenly did such things touch him.
2001 C. Glazebrook Madolescents 218 I want to tell Dean about the wedding ring but the words stick in my craw.
extracted from stickv.1
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