

单词 to step down

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to step down
to step down
1. To go from a higher level to a lower, esp. by treading on a step or stairway. Also, to go a short distance to a place which is, or is regarded as, lower. Also figurative, to withdraw or retire from office. Originally U.S.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > downward motion > move downwards [verb (intransitive)] > step down
to step downa1400
to step off1833
society > authority > office > withdrawing from or vacating office > vacate office [verb (intransitive)]
to take, lay down, resign the fascesa1625
to go out1642
to sing one's nunc dimittis1642
to make one's bowa1656
to lay down1682
to swear off1698
to send in one's papers1872
to step down1890
to stand down1926
society > occupation and work > lack of work > [verb (intransitive)] > vacate an office or position > resign
to go out1642
to lay down1682
to swear off1698
to turn up1819
to pull the pin1860
to send in one's papers1872
to step down1890
to snatch it or one's time1941
a1400 St. Alexius (Trin.) 503 Of here bedde hy sprong..And hardeliche a-doun stap, Þe folk alle among.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) John v. f. cxxvv Another stoppeth [ Perh. read steppeth] doune before me.
1590 Tarltons Newes out of Purgatorie 33 So he stept downe out of the pulpit.
1819 W. Scott Bride of Lammermoor viii, in Tales of my Landlord 3rd Ser. I. 172 Pray, step down to the cellar and fetch us up a bottle of the Burgundy.
1825 T. Hook Sayings & Doings 2nd Ser. III. 253 I wish, Macaddle, that to-morrow morning early, you would step down to the Tower, and see the Colonel.
1842 Ld. Tennyson Beggar Maid 5 In robe and crown the king stept down.
1890 Stock Grower & Farmer 3 May 3/2 If the bureau cannot do this, let the members of it, the lunkheads, step down and resign.
1945 Sun (Baltimore) 22 Sept. 5-0/1 (heading) Henry Ford steps down: Grandson becomes president of motor company.
1983 Times 30 Aug. 1/2 Mr Menachim Begin has pledged to make a final announcement..abou..his intention to step down as Israel's sixth prime minister.
2. To plant the foot firmly on the ground at each step. Obsolete.
the world > movement > progressive motion > walking > walk, tread, or step [verb (intransitive)] > place foot firmly
to step down1747
1747 Gentleman's Mag. Feb. 77/2 Such exercise is not much less salutiferous than riding, if the walker steps down firmly, so as to shake the intestines.
3. transitive. To reduce (the voltage of a supply); to reduce the voltage of (a supply).
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electricity > voltage > increase or regulate [verb (transitive)] > reduce
to step down1903
the world > matter > physics > electromagnetic radiation > electricity > electrical engineering > transformer > convert [verb (transitive)] > increase or decrease
to step up1902
to step down1903
1903 Electr. World & Engineer 8 Aug. 230 (Cent. Dict. Suppl.) The..transformers..stept the pressure down to 2,000 volts.
1938 J. H. Reyner Testing Television Sets iv. 41 The function of the transformer is to step-down the voltage applied to the scanning coil which operates with a correspondingly larger current.
1978 Gramophone Jan. 1340/3 It is also very safe, since it uses only a 12-volt supply, stepped down by a small isolating mains transformer.
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