

单词 to take the mantle and the ring

> as lemmas

to take (also give, have, receive, etc.) the mantle and the ring
b. the mantle and the ring (and variants): the garment and ring assumed by a widow or wife as a symbolic expression of her vow of perpetual chastity made before a bishop. Chiefly in to take (also give, have, receive, etc.) the mantle and the ring. Also in extended use. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > widow or widower > [verb (intransitive)] > take vow of chastity (of widow)
to take the mantle and the ringc1400
c1400 Bk. to Mother (Bodl.) 22 (MED) Þis is bettere þan forto haue þe mantel and þe ryng and þe wympel and þe veil, with propurte.
1424 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 60 If she take þe mantel and þe rynge and avowe chastite.
c1475 Advice to Lovers in J. O. Halliwell Select. Minor Poems J. Lydgate (1840) 34 (MED) She wol perhappous maken hir avowe, That she wol take the mantle and the ryng.
c1500 (?a1475) Assembly of Gods (1896) 265 Next vnto hym..Sate the goddese Diana, in a mantell fyne Of blak sylke..Lyke as she had take the mantell & the ryng.
1574 J. Studley tr. J. Bale Pageant of Popes To Rdr. How can that foundation stand which is made of Popes miters, Cardinals hats,..rotchets, chrismes, mantel & the ringe [etc.].
1603 J. Stow Suruay of London (new ed.) 187 This Godnay in the yeare 1444. wedded the widdow of Robert Large..which widdow had taken the Mantell and ring, and the vow to liue chast to God tearme of her life.
extracted from mantlen.
as lemmas




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