

单词 to set one's or the face

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to set one's or the face (countenance)
a. to set one's or the face (countenance): to give a fixed or settled expression to the countenance.to set a face: to make it appear (as though..). to set one's face as a flint, after Isaiah l. 7.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > deceit, deception, trickery > dissimulation, pretence > pretend, dissemble [phrase]
to make wise1447
make as though?c1450
to let fare1483
to make a show ofa1500
to set a face1560
to take on (also upon) one(self)?1560
to make (a) miena1657
to make believe1773
to put it on1888
to play (the) fox1894
the world > life > the body > external parts of body > head > face > face with expression or expression > face with expression [verb (intransitive)] > assume fixed or settled expression
to set one's or the face (countenance)1560
to set one's face in a brake1607
1560 Bible (Geneva) Isa. l. 7 Therefore haue I set my face like a flint.
?c1570 Buggbears i. ii, in R. W. Bond Early Plays from Italian (1911) 94 Formosus set a face as thoughe he knew wher to find a cunnyng mane.
a1586 Sir P. Sidney Arcadia (1590) ii. xxiv. sig. Ee4 When she set her countenaunce to tell the matter.
a1627 T. Middleton et al. Widdow (1652) v. i. 59 Set your countenance then; for here he comes.
1635 T. Cranley Amanda 9 She would..sometimes set her countenance as if shee had bin angry.
1719 T. D'Urfey Wit & Mirth I. 353 Set thy Face, and thy best Curchy make.
1855 Ld. Tennyson Maud i. viii, in Maud & Other Poems 5 I..May make my heart as a millstone, set my face as a flint.
extracted from setv.1
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