

单词 to set measures to

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to set measures to
b. An extent which ought not to be exceeded; a limit. Now chiefly in certain phrases, as to set measures to, to know no measure (see also sense 1c).
the world > relative properties > kind or sort > individual character or quality > quality of being special or restricted in application > quality of being restricted or limited > [noun] > limit
within one's tether?1523
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 1640 (MED) Mornyng out mesure to melior he wendes.
c1390 G. Chaucer Parson's Tale 465 Thilke that passeth mesure is folye and synne.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. 4235 That he schal mesure His bodi, so that no mesure Of fleisshly lust he scholde excede.
?c1430 J. Wyclif Sel. Eng. Wks. (1871) III. 223 Ȝif þou passe mesure in mete and drynk..þi lif blasphemeþ God.
c1460 (a1449) J. Lydgate Fabula Duorum Mercatorum (Harl.) 615 in Minor Poems (1934) ii. 506 (MED) Riht so it farith of fals felicite, That yif his weihte mesure do exceede, Than of a fal gretly is to dreede.
?1504 W. Atkinson tr. Thomas à Kempis Ful Treat. Imytacyon Cryste (Pynson) iii. vi. 200 Loue knoweth no mesure; but it incendeth the louer oute of measure.
?1518 A. Barclay Fyfte Eglog sig. Cijv Thou pasest mesure, Faustus.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 572/1 This mater gothe out of mesure, ceste matiere se desmesure.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. J. de Acosta Nat. & Morall Hist. Indies i. vi. 19 Although the great Ocean stretcheth farre, yet doth it never passe this measure.
1633 G. Herbert Church Porch in Temple xix If thy sonne can make ten pound his measure.
1659 J. Pearson Expos. Apostles Creed iv. 388 What bounds can we set unto that grief, what measures to that anguish?
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost v. 517 Full to the utmost measure of what bliss Human desires can seek or apprehend. View more context for this quotation
1710 A. Philips Pastorals i. 14 Fond Love no Cure will have..nor any Measure knows.
a1716 R. South Serm. Several Occasions (1744) XI. 162 To determine and give measures to the divine bounty and wisdom, to tell it what it ought to do.
1792 T. Jefferson Let. 23 May in Papers (1990) XXIII. 539 I know my own measure too well to suppose that my services contribute any thing to the public confidence, or the public utility.
1851 Ladies' Repository July 271/2 Wealth for which we know no measure; Pleasure high above all pleasure.
1882 Cent. Mag. July 441 He would make the world a pleasance for a love that knows not measure.
1902 W. James Varieties Relig. Experience i. 7 They have known no measure, been liable to obsessions and fixed ideas.
1992 World of Interiors July 108/1 From earliest days he seems to have known his own measure, never putting a foot wrong from student days into great old age.
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