

单词 to set in motion

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to set in motion
a. in (also †upon) motion: moving or being moved; in a state of activity, moving about; opposed to at rest. to put in (also into, †to) motion, to set in motion: to set moving.
the world > movement > cause to move [verb (transitive)]
to put in (also into, to) motion1597
to feague away1671
to carry about1680
to set on1855
the world > movement > in motion [phrase]
in (also upon) motion1597
the world > action or operation > undertaking > beginning action or activity > begin or enter upon (an action) [verb (transitive)] > cause to begin to act or operate
to put (also set) to worka1398
to put on work?1440
to put (also set) in (also into) motion1598
to set offa1625
to put (also set) in work1626
to set (a-)going1705
to start up1865
to set in motion1890
1597 H. Lok Ecclesiastes i. 3 Yea all heauens elements full well we see, Though farre more durable then man by kind, Yet for our vse, in motion still to bee.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) iii. i. 77 Taste your legges sir, put them to motion . View more context for this quotation
1645 J. Howell Epistolæ Ho-elianæ i. xiv. 27 My last unto you was from the Low-Countreys, wher I was in motion to and fro above four months.
1647 A. Cowley Called Inconstant in Mistress iii As Men in Motion think the Trees move too.
1659 H. More Immortality of Soul iii. xix. 546 The whole Matter of the Universe, and all the parts thereof, are ever upon Motion.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ iii. ii. §18 There must be an infinitely powerful..God, who must..put matter into motion.
1704 J. Harris Lexicon Technicum I Movement..signifies all those Parts of a Watch, Clock, or any such curious Engine which are in motion.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth I. 116 Not a breeze, not a cloud which might be supposed to put all Nature thus into motion.
1841 W. T. Brande Man. Chem. (ed. 5) 337 All the effects we are about to describe depend..upon electricity in motion, or upon electric currents.
1841 R. Willis Princ. Mechanism 18 Each of which is so connected with the frame-work of the machine, that when in motion every point of it is constrained to move in a certain path.
1890 Cornhill Mag. Sept. 268 Fountains of perfumed water are set in motion.
1908 Aëronaut. Jrnl. Apr. 45/1 As soon as the propeller had been set in motion the apparatus dashed off towards Neuilly.
1955 B. Spock Baby & Child Care (1968) 186 Another baby who has become over-fatigued relaxes sooner if kept in gentle motion.
1984 E. Pawel Nightmare of Reason xii. 167 The second paragraph alone..contains five distinct references to people's hands in motion or at rest.
extracted from motionn.
to put (also set) in (also into) motion
b. figurative and in figurative contexts. in motion: in a state of excitement, commotion, etc.; active, proceeding, in progress. to put (also set) in (also into) motion: to set going or working.
the world > action or operation > in operation [phrase]
at work1549
in action1584
on foot1586
in motion1598
in operation1878
the world > action or operation > undertaking > beginning action or activity > begin or enter upon (an action) [verb (transitive)] > cause to begin to act or operate
to put (also set) to worka1398
to put on work?1440
to put (also set) in (also into) motion1598
to set offa1625
to put (also set) in work1626
to set (a-)going1705
to start up1865
to set in motion1890
the world > relative properties > order > disorder > confusion or disorder > commotion, disturbance, or disorder > in a state of commotion or disorder [phrase]
on steerc1480
the devil to paya1500
in (an) uproar1548
the devil rides on a fiddle-stick1598
in motion1598
the devil (and all) to doa1681
(all) the fat is in the fire1797
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 i. iii. 224 To keepe his anger still in motion . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry V (1623) i. ii. 185 Setting endeuour in continual motion . View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) iv. iii. 31 The want is, but to put those Powres in motion, That long to moue. View more context for this quotation
1680 W. Temple Ess. Advancem. Trade Ireland in Wks. (1731) I. 110 When Things are once in Motion, Trade begets Trade.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson ii. vi. 192 Our people..observed..lights hurrying backwards and forwards in the fort, and other marks of the inhabitants being in great motion.
1773 Ann. Reg. 1772 94/2 We have now in our gaol sixteen rioters from Sudbury, and it is an alarming circumstance that the whole country seems in motion.
1804 G. Rose Diaries (1860) II. 139 My writ was moved for this day,..but my patent was not put in motion.
1818 T. Jefferson Anas Pref. 4 Feb. in Writings (1903) I. 275 The machine of government, now suspended, might be again set into motion.
1855 W. H. Prescott Hist. Reign Philip II of Spain I. ii. v. 197 They..who set a revolution in motion have not always the power to stop it.
1915 W. Cather Song of Lark iv. viii. 335 One had to marry somebody, after all the machinery had been put in motion.
1939 J. B. Morton Bonfire of Weeds viii. 171 This bell has only to be pushed to set the whole magical scheme in motion.
1960 Observer 20 Mar. 25 Suppose the Soviets lost control of events they had set in motion.
1989 Wine Spectator 31 Aug. 55/1 He had everything in motion even before the enabling legislation was passed.
1992 R. Rudolph Boys from New Jersey ii. iv. 66 The wheels that were put into motion by Alpha would eventually turn full circle a decade later.
extracted from motionn.
to set in motion
to set at ease, at rest, to rest, †in or at peace; †to set at debate, †to set at difference, †to set at a jar, †to set at jars, to set at odds, to set at one, to set at variance, †to set at square, to set at war, to set by the ears, †to set in sunder; to set agog, †to set at gaze, to set astray; to set aglow, to set afire, to set on fire (see fire n. and int. Phrases 2j(b)), to set aflame, to set in flame(s, etc.; to set in array, to set in order, to set in readiness, to set to rights; to set †in effray, †to set on fear; to set at large, to set at leisure, to set at liberty; to set on edge; to set in or on a roar; to set in action, to set in motion, to set in operation; to set at bay, to set at fault, †to set in press, †to set in stay; to set at contempt, to set at defiance; etc.: see also the nouns and adverbs. Also, to set afoot or on foot (see afoot adv. 3, foot n. and int. Phrases 3a(c)).extracted from setv.1
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