

单词 to pull by the sleeve

> as lemmas

to pull (a person) by the sleeve (also ear, nose, etc.)
b. transitive. to pull (a person) by the sleeve (also ear, nose, etc.): to tug at a person's sleeve, ear, nose, etc.; also (now archaic) in extended use with reference to the purpose of such a gesture (as attracting attention, ridicule, teasing, etc.).
the world > movement > impelling or driving > pushing and pulling > push and pull [verb (transitive)] > pull > pull the ears or by the ears
to pull by the earc1400
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 1265 (MED) Pulden prestes bi þe polle, and plat of her hedes.
a1438 Bk. Margery Kempe (1940) i. 22 (MED) A good man..cam & pullyd hir be þe sleue.
1570 T. Norton tr. A. Nowell Catechisme f. 3 v Such is our dulnesse and forgetfulnesse, that we must oft be taught and put in remembrance,..and as it were pulled by the eare.
1591 Araignment A. Cosbye sig. B1v Neither is it to bee supposed that the Lorde Boorke did offer that disgrace as Cosby alleaged at the barre, which was that he pulled him by the nose the night before they fought.
1650 H. More Observ. Anthroposophia Theomagica sig. Hv Should..Sacred Writ, sole image of sure truth, Be pull'd by th' nose, by every idle youth?
1677 A. Horneck Great Law Consideration (1704) iv. 148 This would pull them by the sleeve, and bid them look on the covetous Gehazi.
1712 R. Steele Spectator No. 268. ⁋2 I very civilly requested him to remove his Hand, for which he pulled me by the Nose.
1793 ‘A. Pasquin’ Life Late Earl of Barrymore (ed. 3) 79 Compelled to pull him by the tail.
1843 C. Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit (1844) xxi. 268 ‘Mark,’ whispered Martin, pulling him by the sleeve.
1875 E. A. B. R. Lewis Sappho iii. iv. 83 The laughing fiends that pulled me by the hair.
1913 W. Cather O Pioneers! i. i She did not notice the little boy until he pulled her by the coat.
1923 Washington Post 10 June 24/2 To outwit him [sc. the Devil], to pull him by the nose or by the tail, gave a zest to the struggle against temptation.
1963 D. Richie & M. Watanabe tr. Six Kabuki Plays 67 I got up but she pulled me by the sleeve and stopped me.
2001 W. Brown Unjust Seizure i. 29 These are the witnesses pulled by the ears according to the law of the Bavarians.
extracted from pullv.
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