

单词 to seethe out

> as lemmas

to seethe out
b. With adverb, to seethe out, to seethe away (also figurative). Also, to separate from (a part) by boiling.
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > action of boiling > boil or cause to boil [verb (transitive)] > separate by boiling
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > action of boiling > boil or cause to boil [verb (transitive)] > boil away
to seethe away1595
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Isa. i. 25 I shal sethen out [L. excoquam] to the pure thi dros.
c1440 Gesta Romanorum (1879) 385 Than the ij. deuyls..Caste hem into a Cawderon and helde hem there, till the fleshe was sothyn fro the bone.
1561 T. Norton tr. J. Calvin Inst. Christian Relig. iii. f. 172 In continually sething out and burning vp the vices of our lust.
1567 T. Harman Caueat for Commen Cursetors (new ed.) Ep. Ded. sig. Aiiiv Then was..a great fat oxe sod out in Furmentye.
1595 A. Duncan Appendix Etymologiae: Index in Latinae Grammaticae Excoquo, to seathe away: to fyne.
extracted from seethev.
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