

单词 to pluck up courage

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to pluck up (one's) courage (also heart, resolution, spirits, etc.)
1. transitive. to pluck up (one's) courage (also heart, resolution, spirits, etc.): to summon up courage, strength, etc., take courage; to raise one's spirits, cheer up.
the mind > emotion > courage > encouragement > pluck up courage [verb]
to take (in early use nim) heartc1275
to have the heartc1300
to hent one's heartc1325
to pull upa1393
to fang upa1400
to take courage1490
to take heart of grace (and variants)c1520
to lift up one's heart, mind, soul1535
to get (also gather, keep, etc.) heart of grace1581
to pluck up one's courage1660
pluck up courage1726
to pick up1735
to call forth1802
to pluck up1827
to muster up1893
c1330 Seven Sages (Auch.) (1933) 1177 (MED) Pluk vp þi cher.
c1330 Seven Sages (Auch.) (1933) l. 2507 (MED) Confort þi self, pluk vp þin herte Swich mourning þan wil þe smerte.
1509 S. Hawes Pastime of Pleasure (1928) xvi. 72 Languysshe no more, but plucke vp thyne herte.
1562 Bp. J. Pilkington Expos. Abdyas Pref. 9 Let us therefore pluck vp stomackes, and pray with S. Augustine.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Taming of Shrew (1623) iv. iii. 38 Plucke vp thy spirits, looke cheerfully vpon me. View more context for this quotation
1660 C. Ellis Gentile Sinner 239 Let them pluck up their Courage, and make it appeare to the World, that they have yet something of a Noble and Generous Spirit within their breasts.
1719 D. Defoe Life Robinson Crusoe 210 Plucking up my Spirits as well as I could.
1794 R. B. Sheridan Duenna (new ed.) ii. 33 I'll pluck up resolution.
1867 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest I. v. 376 Æthelred seems now to have plucked up a little heart.
1869 A. Trollope He knew he was Right II. lv. 47 She could not pluck up courage to speak a word in Italian.
1910 ‘Saki’ Reginald in Russia 104 The little Lemberg négociant plucked up heart.
1960 W. Harris Palace of Peacock i. 17 I plucked up courage to express my inner thoughts.
a1978 S. T. Warner One Thing leading to Another (1985) 165 Mousie plucked up her spirits and re-addressed herself to the duties of a sovereign.
2004 Aberdeen Evening Express (Nexis) 8 Dec. 14 She started going out for walks and plucked up courage to join a gym.
extracted from pluckv.
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