

单词 to plough the sand

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to plough the sand (also sands)
P2. to plough the sand (also sands) and variants: to labour fruitlessly or uselessly.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > uselessness, vanity, or futility > be of no avail [verb (intransitive)] > expend effort in vain
to lose or spill one's whilec1175
to speak to the windc1330
to beat the windc1375
to boil, roast, or wash a stonea1529
to lose (one's) oil1548
to plough the sand (also sands)a1565
to wash an ass's head (or ears)1581
to wash an Ethiop, a blackamoor (white)1581
to wash a wall of loam, a brick or tilea1600
to milk the bull (also he-goat, ram)1616
to bark against (or at) the moona1641
dead horse1640
to cast stones against the wind1657
to go, run or rush (a)round in circles1933
a1565 T. Chaloner Helen to Paris (1804) II. 381 Why shold I seke to plowe the sand Whose print the flood replyeth.
1590 R. Greene Neuer too Late ii. sig. E4 With sweating browes I long haue plowde the sandes..Repent hath sent me home with emptie hands.
1609 T. Heywood Troia Britanica xii. 309 For comming where Vlisses Plowd the Sand, And steer'd the crooked Rafter with his hand.
1647 Bp. J. Taylor Θεολογία Ἐκλεκτική Ep. Ded. 5 That I had as good plow the Sands, or till the Aire, as perswade such Doctrines, which destroy mens interests.
1756 E. Moore Poems, Fables & Plays xv. 149 Lays up wealth in foreign land, Sows the sea, and plows the sand.
1775 J. Wesley Jrnl. 15 Nov. I preached at Dorking. But still I fear we are ploughing upon the sand: we see no fruit of our labours.
1813 J. Belfour Ray's Coll. Eng. Prov. (ed. 5) 75 Provberbial Phrases adopted from the Greeks, applicable to human Follies, Absurdities, or Pursuits. He ploughs the air. He washes the Ethiopian [etc.].
1894 H. H. Asquith Speech at Birmingham 21 Nov. All our time, all our labour, and all our assiduity is as certain to be thrown away as if you were to plough the sands of the seashore, the moment that the Bill reaches the Upper Chamber.
1903 R. Kipling Five Nations 50 We shall harness horses (Death's own pale horses) and scholarly plough the sands.
1993 Beaver June 41/3 CN's attempts to preserve passenger service were an expensive exercise in ploughing the sand, or, literally, running empty trains.
extracted from ploughplowv.
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