

单词 to put to school

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to put to school
13. transitive. To cause to be in or assume a particular place or situation, in a general or figurative sense, or in phrases where the name of a thing or place stands for its purpose, as to put in hospital, to put in prison, to put on the market, to put on the stage, to put to bed, to put to school, etc.
society > education > [verb (transitive)] > put to education > send to school
to set to lore (also to book, to school)a1225
to put to schoola1300
to send to school, college1531
society > trade and finance > selling > sell [verb (transitive)] > expose or offer for sale
to set out13..
to put forthc1350
to set on (or a) sale1546
to bring to market1639
to put on the market1897
a1300 Vision St. Paul (Jesus Oxf.) l. 213 in R. Morris Old Eng. Misc. (1872) 153 (MED) Heo beoþ iput in þilke trume Þat ne leuede nouht in godes sone.
1348 in C. Welch Hist. Pewterers of London (1902) I. 3 (MED) Also that non persone ne estraunger wirk ne bere suche maner vessel of peauter in þe Cite to sel ne it put to sale afore the mater be assaid.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1882) VIII. 323 Þe kyng of Engelond was..i-putte in ward [?a1475 anonymous translation was kepede; L. custodiendus demandatur] in þe castel of Kelyngworþe.
a1400 (c1250) Floris & Blauncheflur (Egerton) (1966) 25 (MED) To scole þey were put.
?c1450 tr. Bk. Knight of La Tour Landry (1906) 117 (MED) A lady..hadde a doughter ynamed Delbora, which doughter she putte [Fr. mist] vnto scole.
a1475 (?1436) in F. J. Furnivall Polit., Relig., & Love Poems (1903) 13 (MED) I was put to the Soudenys house & was made vssher of halle.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles I. ccxxxix. 346 He caused the..erle of Auser to be putte in prison.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. ccccliij To put the kinges sonne or his brother in to the possession of Scotlande.
1562 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1888) I. 7 Putand in the place of godly ministeris..dum doggis.
1620 Horæ Subseciuæ 106 That haue not been by any casualtie, or accident put behinde hand in the world.
1635 R. Norton tr. W. Camden Hist. Eliz. (ed. 3) iii. 374 His goods were put to port sale.
1654 Mercurius Fumigosus No. 9 88 Hee that is the Conqueror, shall that Night have a warm Clowt, lay'd to his Breech by the Lady that was fought for, and so to be put to Bed together.
1698 J. Fryer New Acct. E.-India & Persia 122 Having others put over their heads.
1734 H. Fielding Don Quixote in Eng. ii. xiv. 38 Poor Man! he must be put to Bed. I shall apply some proper Remedies.
1799 J. Beekman Let. 29 Jan. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) III. 1281 Mr. Dunant informed us in his last that he purposed putting your Daughter at Mrs. Graham's after the Restoration of Health to our City.
1850 J. H. Newman Serm. Var. Occasions (1881) xii. 229 He was ever putting himself in the background.
1879 M. J. Guest Lect. Hist. Eng. xxviii. 283 The landlords even strongly objected to their serfs putting their children to school.
1897 Tit-Bits 4 Dec. 172/2 If..some new patent is being put on the market, it is an opportunity that our traveller will not miss.
1919 M. Sinclair Mary Olivier ii. 18 It was the end of her birthday; Mama and Jenny were putting her to bed.
1948 Long Beach (Calif.) Press-Telegram 30 Oct. [He] reminds her constantly of her past as a chambermaid in Chicago before he put her on the stage.
1969 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 30 Jan. 3/4 Surrounded by neighboring dogs that barked at his every movement and risked getting him put in the clink for fourteen days.
1989 B. Roche Handful of Stars ii. ii, in K. Harwood First Run 242 He's already put two people in hospital.
2006 U.S. News & World Rep. 2 Oct. 16/1 If..the Democrats take back control of the House in the fall elections and put San Francisco's Nancy Pelosi in the speaker's chair, there are going to be a lot more changes.
extracted from putv.
to put (also †set) to school
b. to put (also †set) to school: to subject to teaching, instruction, or a process of enlightenment; (in early use frequently) to presume to correct (one's superior) (obsolete).
1550 J. Heywood Hundred Epigrammes xxii. sig. Aviiiv Why sonne..thinkst thou me such a foole? That my chylde shal set his mother to schoole?
1596 W. Lambarde Perambulation of Kent (rev. ed.) 335 Wee must giue these good fellowes leave (after their woonted manner) to set the Holy Ghost to schoole.
1608 W. Shakespeare King Lear vii. 234 Weele set thee to schoole to an Ant, to teach thee ther's no labouring in the winter. View more context for this quotation
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 104 The Calf, by Nature and by Genius made To turn the Glebe, breed to the Rural Trade. Set him betimes to School. View more context for this quotation
1743 A. Hill Fanciad v. 42 To new Masters, put their Faith to School.
1775 J. Trumbull MʽFingal 1 When Yankies, skill'd in martial rule, First put the British troops to school.
1828 Q. Rev. Sept. 80 If wealthy..England were to ‘put herself to school’ to relearn the mendicant system of maintaining her poor..her prosperity would from that moment begin to decline.
1883 M. Pattison Milton's Sonnets 46 Milton had put his poetical genius to school to the Italians, Dante, Petrarch, and the rest.
1913 D. G. Phillips Degarmo's Wife & Other Stories 41 How differently she would feel and talk once he had put her to school in the ‘great world’ where such vulgarities as ambition and work were ranked in their proper place.
2010 P. W. Orelus Agony of Masculinity i. 35 She was an independent woman who put us to school with her sweat and hard work.
extracted from schooln.1
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