

单词 to serve heir to

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to serve (a person) heir to
b. transitive. To declare (a person) heir to an estate, by the verdict of an assise of inquest, or of a jury appointed to adjudicate the claim. Now only with complement, to serve (a person) heir to. Cf. retour v. 2b. Now historical.In quot. 1597 intransitive with the members of the assise of inquest as subject.
society > law > legal right > right of possession or ownership > right to succeed to title, position, or estate > succession > cause to descend by succession [verb (transitive)] > succeed to > recognize as legal successor
1494 in T. Thomson Acts Lords Auditors (1839) 205/1 Alexander mowat..has denyit þat euer he seruit henry dowglas as are to..Jonet of fentoun of þe ferde parte of þe landis.
1506 in M. Livingstone Reg. Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum (1908) I. 174/2 The inqueist that servit hym of his breif of the said vi merkis worth of land.
1533 in J. B. Paul Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1905) VI. 138 Ane inquest that servit Richert, umquhile lord Inuermeith, of..the landis of Inuermeith.
1582 in D. Masson Reg. Privy Council Scotl. (1880) 1st Ser. III. 558 He sall entir and obtene himself servit air as use is within the space of thrie termes.
1597 J. Skene De Verborum Significatione at Breve de morte antecessoris Gif the persones of inquest..deliveris and servis Negative, in favoures of the defender.
1637 S. Rutherford Lett. (1664) 54 O that he would..serve himself Heir to the poor mean portion I have.
1693 J. Dalrymple Inst. Law Scotl. (ed. 2) iii. iv. 449 Other Heirs..cannot be served Heirs, but by a special Service, serving them to such particulars, whereunto they succeed, by Infeftment or Provision.
1744 Lord Arnistoun Rep. 7 July 3 Mr. Hugh Murray..compleated his Titles thereto by serving himself Heir of Tailzie.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering III. xi. 221 We must pass over his father, and serve him heir to his grand-father Lewis.
1854 H. Miller Schools & Schoolmasters (1857) xvi. 356 After getting myself served heir to my father before the Court of the Canongate.
1893 R. L. Stevenson Catriona i. 1 To-day I was served heir to my position in life.
1952 Sc. Hist. Rev. 108 David Murray, 2nd Lord Balvaird, served heir to his father, February, 1648.
2002 N. Macleod Raasay x. 209 Alexander was not served heir to the estate until 1617.
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