

单词 to ruin

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to ruin
1. Frequently in in ruin, into ruin, to ruin. See also to go (etc.) to rack (and ruin) at rack n.9 1.
a. The state or condition of a fabric or structure, esp. a building, which has given way and collapsed.
the world > matter > condition of matter > bad condition of matter > [noun] > dilapidated or ruinous condition
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) Prol. 837 (MED) The wall and al þe Cit withinne Stant in ruine and in decas.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. 5961 (MED) Þei wynne schal þe toun And bringe it pleynly to distruccioun; Wal and touris schal falle to ruyne.
1449 Rolls of Parl.: Henry VI (Electronic ed.) Parl. Feb. 1449 §17. m. 5 Well nygh all places ben in such ruyne..that they be unable to be diffended and kept.
a1513 J. Irland Meroure of Wyssdome (1926) I. 120 Lat nocht, mychtty lord, this hevinly place stand in ruyne.
1582 R. Stanyhurst tr. Virgil First Foure Bookes Æneis ii. 32 The old towne fals to ruin.
1604 E. Grimeston tr. True Hist. Siege Ostend 98 The enemie shott much vpon the towne, and battered it in ruine.
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics i, in tr. Virgil Wks. 60 Thrice his Lightning..their demolish'd Works in Ruin laid. View more context for this quotation
1718 Lady M. W. Montagu Let. 19 May (1965) I. 413 In a few years, they all fall to Ruin.
1793 H. Boyd Temple of Vesta v, in Poems 223 Those towers are doom'd to ruin, and the state To swift perdition, like the flaming walls Of old Gomorrah.
1820 P. B. Shelley Sensitive Plant in Prometheus Unbound 168 The leafless net-work of parasite bowers Massed into ruin.
1865 Times 16 Mar. 8/7 This century many more churches fell to ruin, and disappeared altogether, than were built anew.
1932 F. B. Austin Red Flag 118 The château of Ornière is in ruin.
1993 Utne Reader Jan.–Feb. 38/3 Unable to afford rehabbing their homes, residents let them fall into ruin instead.
b. The state or condition of a person who or society which has suffered decay or downfall; esp. the condition of a person reduced to abject poverty. Also of a personal attribute, a relationship, a plan, etc.
the world > action or operation > adversity > [noun] > fall from prosperous or thriving condition > fallen condition
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > disrepute > disgrace or dishonour > [noun] > complete or utter disgrace > condition of
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. 1706 And for that he [sc. Lucifer] was obstinat..He fell for evere into ruine.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. 8 (MED) Who sit hiȝest, sche [sc. Fortune] can doun hym enclyne, Whan he leest weneþ bring hym to ruyne.
c1475 tr. C. de Pisan Livre du Corps de Policie (Cambr.) (1977) 189 The philosophre blamed..lecherie and shewed houghe by that vice dyuers citees wer fallen to ruynne [Fr. ruine].
c1500 (?a1437) Kingis Quair (1939) xxviii Quhat was the caus that he [me] more comprisit Than othir folk to lyve in suich ruyne?
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) I. clxxxxviii. f. cxiiv By which vngracious meane he brought this lande in such Ruyne.
1600 W. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice iv. i. 141 Repaire thy wit good youth, or it will fall to curelesse ruine . View more context for this quotation
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ii. 305 Princely counsel in his face yet shon, Majestick though in ruin . View more context for this quotation
1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Georgics iv, in tr. Virgil Wks. 131 The great Monarch's Death dissolves the Government. All goes to Ruin . View more context for this quotation
1725 C. Cibber Cæsar in Ægypt iv. 49 To save thy self, wou'd plunge thy Prince in Ruin?
1778 W. Pitt in J. Almon Anecd. Life Pitt (1810) II. 338 A cloud, that may crush this nation,..is ready to burst and overwhelm us in ruin.
1831 J. Sinclair Corr. II. 159 I am shocked with the idea, that many..should have perhaps..been reduced to beggary and ruin.
1886 Contemp. Rev. Aug. 285 It was the Conservative..party which brought this Bill to ruin.
1933 Times 1 Mar. 8/1 The most urgent question before Parliament is whether the Indian Empire is to be plunged into ruin and chaos.
1964 B. R. Andrzejewski & I. M. Lewis Somali Poetry 108 The whole Hagar people were brought to ruin by the claim ‘I am the King’.
2002 S. Turow Reversible Errors (2003) 21 He'd never said goodbye to any of the stuff that had led his marriage to ruin, the catting around.
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