

单词 to play high

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to play high


P1. as high as a kite, higher than a kite: extremely high (usually in figurative context). See also higher than (or as high as) Gilderoy's kite at Gilderoy n. Cf. high as a kite at high adj. and n.2 Phrases 10.
1860 Southern Literary Messenger Dec. 460/1 You must forget him, give him up at once, be short to him, send him as high as a kite if he dares to address you.
1863 L. M. Alcott Hospital Sketches (1960) 35 I keeled over, feelin' as if I was blowed higher'n a kite.
1889 Chambers's Jrnl. 584/1 I meant to pass the time of day with him, and no more; but all of a sudden he up and tells me a thing as knocked me as high as a kite.
1936 J. Steinbeck In Dubious Battle iv. 45 Sooner or later some girl'd get knocked higher than a kite.
a1979 N. Ray I was Interrupted (1993) 100 Lines went haywire, actions went haywire, Arthur got thrown higher than a kite.
P2. high and low.
a. Wholly, entirely; in all respects. Cf. in high and low at high adj. and n.2 Phrases 4. Obsolete.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > completeness > completely [phrase]
high and low1397
every (also ilk, ilka) stick?a1400
root and rind?a1400
hair and hide?c1450
stout and routc1450
bane and routc1480
overthwart and endlonga1500
(in) hide and hairc1575
right out1578
horse and footc1600
flesh and fella1616
root and branch1640
stab and stow1680
stoop and roop1728
stick, stock, stone dead1796
rump and stump1824
stump and rump1825
rump and rig1843
good and1885
1397–8 Rolls of Parl.: Richard II (Electronic ed.) Parl. Sept. 1397 Pleas §7. m. 4 I submetted me to my lord..and putte me heygh' and lowe in hiis mercy and in hiis grace.
1447 Bridgewater Borough Munim. l. 910 (MED) To þe whiche arbitrament the seid John & William were bound by obligations to stond þereto hye & lowe.
1673 M. Stevenson Norfolk Drollery 122 No, (Debora) thou Daughter of old Al'ce, I love not high and low, a wench of Wales.
b. Up and down, here and there; in every place or part. Chiefly in to search (hunt, etc.) high and low.
the world > space > place > here, there, etc. > [phrase] > everywhere
far and near or nighOE
in length and (in) breadth (or brede)a1250
high and low1525
here, there, and everywherea1593
in every stead1596
through long and broad ——1617
from Dan to Beersheba1738
all along the line1877
all over the auction1930
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. cvii. f. ccxixv/2 They sertched highe and lowe and founde for trouthe that he was nat there.
1606 A. Craig Amorose Songes sig. Hv Thus high and low I looked where I lay, Yet neither fruite nor flower was like my Hay.
1678 T. Duffett Psyche Debauch'd i. iii. 41 Hoe, make hast, and go Hunt for great Sisters high and low.
1703 P. Motteux et al. tr. M. de Cervantes Hist. Don Quixote III. xxviii. 279 Galloping after your Tail high and low, thro confounded cross Roads and By-Ways.
1773 Literary Reg. 5 44/1 Search was made after him high and low, backwards and forwards; but all to no purpose.
1822 J. W. Croker Diary 11 Jan. in Croker Papers (1885) I. 247 He..missed his snuff-box, and there was..a search high and low.
1895 Academy 12 Oct. 294/2 Although the publishers have searched high and low, they have not [etc.].
1922 Atlantic Monthly July 32/2 The laundry is delivered at the door, and she scurries high and low in search of funds.
1958 K. Amis I like it Here i. 16 Anyway, we've hunted high and low, boy, believe me. Not a bloody twitter.
2010 F. Goldsmith Readers' Advisory Guide Graphic Novels 69 An elegant vampire who has just broken off with a young woman looks high and low for a satisfying replacement partner.
P3. Originally U.S. high, wide, and handsome and variants: in a carefree or stylish manner; in great style.
1891 Eau Claire (Wisconsin) Weekly Leader 26 Jan. The N. M. has got some salve that will make anyone step high, wide and handsome.
1907 S. E. White Arizona Nights (U.K. ed.) 35 Tim could talk high, wide, and handsome when he set out to.
1932 ‘Spindrift’ Yankee Slang 21 High, wide and handsome, in good or great style. Common shout at a rodeo: ‘Ride him, Cowboy, high, wide and handsome.’
1939 P. G. Wodehouse Uncle Fred in Springtime iii. 50 He has a nasty way of lugging Pongo out into the open and..proceeding to step high, wide and plentiful.
1958 L. van der Post Lost World of Kalahari (1961) vii. 155 The day was riding high, wide and handsome into the deeps of the incredible blue sky.
2012 Scotsman (Nexis) 27 Jan. 43 It must be chastening for Japanese industry. It rode high, wide and handsome until the country's property/stock market bubble burst in 1990.
P4. to play high.
a. To gamble for high stakes.
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > card game > play at cards [verb (intransitive)] > actions or tactics
to play high1640
to follow suit1643
to play at forsat1674
to hold up1879
to throw in one's hand1893
society > leisure > entertainment > pastimes > game > games of chance > play games of chance [verb (intransitive)] > stake > type of stake
to play high1640
set up one's rest1680
to play low1735
to go one's pile1836
to go nap1894
double up1940
1640 J. D. Knave in Graine iii. sig. G4 That joviall night is come: They have beene playing high, and potting deepe.
1722 D. Defoe Moll Flanders 320 I said to my Comrade, the Gentlemen play too high for us, come let us go.
1770 Oxf. Mag. 5 Suppl. 253/1 They played high,..at a quarter of a guinea a fish, or five guineas the full rubber.
1834 H. J. Nott Novellettes of Traveller I. 216 He was fond of card-playing,..but as far as I heard, he never played high.
1859 J. Lang Wanderings in India 9 The good players are playing high. Gold mohur points.
1901 G. A. Henty Col. Thorndyke's Secret xii. 178 Some men..play high, but a good many who go there only risk a few guineas.
1997 J. Feather Diamond Slipper xiii. 199 The king held the bank. ‘We play high, Princess,’ he warned with a jocular smile.
b. Cards. To play a card of a high value.
1829 E. M. Arnaud Epitome Whist 60 When you can preserve tenace or command to P. in that or another suit by playing high.
1885 R. A. Proctor How to play Whist ii. 33 By playing high second hand you waste a good card.
1902 B. Leigh et al. Princ. & Pract. Whist 83 A short lead from such a hand as this..might subject the leader's partner to the necessity of playing high in a suit which he will be called upon to defend single handed.
1979 J. Nicholson How to play Solo (rev. ed.) 41 If the first lead were high, all would play high.
2000 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 31 July e6/4 The whist players developed three rules of thumb: cover an honor with an honor, third player play high, and second player play low.
P5. to run high.
a. Of the sea or (occasionally) another body of water: to move with a strong, swift current; to have high waves.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > violent action or operation > be violent [verb (intransitive)] > be manifested forcibly
to run high1598
the world > the earth > water > flow or flowing > wave > movement of waves > move restlessly about [verb (intransitive)] > run high, surge, or heave
to run high1598
to run steep1894
1598 W. Phillip tr. J. H. van Linschoten Disc. Voy. E. & W. Indies iii. xxxvi. 394/2 The next night following the wind came west, but because as then the Sea ranne verie high, we let not our sailes fall.
1609 R. Cottington True Hist. Disc. Muley Hamets xvii. sig. Hv Seeing the Sunne declyneth towardes the winter Tropike, the Seas will beginne to runne high and rough.
1655 E. Terry Voy. E.-India 27 The waves running high, they split their boat at their landing.
1682 in T. Badeslade Hist. Anc. & Present State Navigation Kings-Lyn (1725) 113 The..downfall Waters are stopped by these Brooks running high.
1717 tr. A. F. Frézier Voy. South-Sea 14 The Sea ran too high to send Boats.
1779 Sc. Mag. Mar. 166/2 The sea running high that evening, they were not able to land.
1836 F. Marryat Mr. Midshipman Easy II. iii. 89 The sea runs high, and the boat may be dashed to pieces on the rocks.
1878 R. B. Smith Carthage 92 If the sea was running high the utmost nicety in steering..would be essential.
1920 F. W. Coburn Hist. Lowell i. 6 The Pawtucket Falls, particularly when the river runs high, have a wildness that approaches grandeur.
2012 Press (Christchurch, N.Z.) (Nexis) 30 June 3 The southerly sea has been running very high this week.
b. figurative. To be prominent, vigorous, or vehement; to manifest strongly or intensely.
1615 P. Simson Short Compend Hist. First Ten Persecutions II. v. iv. 28 That great Idole..runneth so high in their heades, that the flatterers of the bishop of Rome would absolue him, as a man whose actions came not vnder the iudicature of mortall men.
1618 G. Chapman tr. Hesiod Georgicks ii. 27 Therefore feast, To make the spirits runne high in their Inquest.
1649 S. Richardson Divine Consol. 87 Our love to God runs high.
1711 J. Addison Spectator No. 125. ¶1 When the Feuds ran high between the Round-heads and Cavaliers.
1764 W. Watson in Philos. Trans. 1763 (Royal Soc.) 53 11 At times..her fever ran very high.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. II. ix. 416 The disputes..had repeatedly run so high that bloodshed had seemed to be inevitable.
1893 Earl of Dunmore Pamirs II. 28 Party spirit ran high.
1925 Amer. Mercury Oct. 192/2 The anti-gambling fever then running high in the local purity squad.
1958 Times 26 Sept. 19/2 Local partisanship will no doubt run high between Bristol,..and their old..rivals Gloucester.
2008 S. Armitage Gig (2009) 90 Amongst the women..feelings are running high, especially after supper when they are packed off to bed while the gentlemen kick back with brandy and cigars.
P6. to live (or eat) high off (also on) the hog: see hog n.1 Phrases 8.
extracted from highadv.
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