

单词 to play abobbed

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to play abobbed
to play abobbed with: to play blind man's buff with (a blindfolded person); (also figurative) to fool, make sport of. Also simply to play abobbed.
c1390 Charter Abbey Holy Ghost (Vernon) in C. Horstmann Yorkshire Writers (1895) I. 358 (MED) Þenne wente boyes and harlotes..and hudden his eȝen wiþ a cloþ and smiten him on þe croune and pleyeden wiþ him abobbeþ [a1450 Harl. 2406 a bobbys, c1465 Harl. 1704 a bobat]..and beden him telle hem who smot him last.
c1390 Talkyng of Love of God (Vernon) (1950) 48 (MED) Heo..blyndfellede þyn eȝen, pleieden a Bobbeþ & maden þe heor fool.
a1400 Ancrene Riwle (Pepys) (1976) 17 Þe jewes pleied wiþ hym abobbed.
c1460 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Laud) l. 16623 (MED) They clad hym in a mantell rede..And to hym pleidyn abobet [a1400 Vesp. sitisott].
extracted from abobbedn.
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