

单词 to play a touch

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to play a touch
b. transitive. To fight (a bout, contest, etc.). to play a touch: to attempt a manoeuvre or stroke in fencing, sword-fighting, etc. (cf. touch n. 5a). Chiefly with cognate object. Also figurative. Obsolete.
society > leisure > sport > types of sport or game > fighting sports > fencing > fence [verb (transitive)]
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) 2251 (MED) ‘Now rest,’ quaþ Naymes, ‘þou proute syre; þou playest a sory play.’
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iv. 2735 (MED) Þis manly knyȝt..Pleyeth his pley amonge Mirundones.
1485 Malory's Morte Darthur (Caxton) viii. xxxix. sig. t.vi Goo thou to yonder pauelione and arme the of the best thou fyndest there, and I shalle playe a merueillous playe with the.
1562 Jack Juggler in W. C. Hazlitt Dodsley's Sel. Coll. Old Eng. Plays (1874) II. 114 I care not much At the bucklers to play with thee one fair touch.
1598 R. Bernard tr. Terence Heautontimoroumenos ii. iii, in Terence in Eng. 215 See that you play no wild touch [L. Vide sis, ne quid imprudens ruas].
extracted from playv.
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