

单词 to pinch off

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to pinch off
6. to pinch off.
a. transitive. To remove by gripping with the fingers and pulling; (Horticulture) to remove with the fingers to encourage growth or flowering.
the world > food and drink > farming > gardening > management of plants > [verb (transitive)] > pinch out or off
to pinch off1654
the world > relative properties > wholeness > mutual relation of parts to whole > separation > separation or detachment > detach [verb (transitive)] > detach in other specific manner
to pull offa1425
to pinch off1654
society > authority > punishment > torture > [verb (transitive)] > pinch
to pinch off1766
1654 T. Barker Country-mans Recreation 80 If ye pinch it off hard by the stalk of your Grape, your fruit shall be the greater.
1669 J. Worlidge Systema Agriculturæ vii. 115 Those [Graffs] you finde to shoot up in one lance, pinch off their tender tops.
1710 G. London & H. Wise J. de la Quintinie's Compl. Gard'ner (1719) 152 The same course of pinching off End-Buds is very profitable in Summer also.
1764 Museum Rusticum IV. 18 I pinch off with my nail such branches as accompany the fruit, to the thickness of about two crown-pieces.
1766 T. Amory Life John Buncle II. xiii. 498 You shall be a catholic, damn you, or I'll pinch off the flesh from your bones.
1855 ‘E. S. Delamer’ Kitchen Garden 117 Leading points in growing frame cucumbers are, to pinch off the shoot..to keep the frame clear of useless vine.
1925 W. Cather Professor's House i. ix. 109 He pinched off his driving-glove between his knees and snuggled his hand over hers.
1939 C. Gaige N.Y. World's Fair Cook Bk. 115 Mix very stiff with flour. Pinch off a piece about the size of a walnut, roll out very thin.
1986 A. Stoddard Living Beautiful Life (1988) ii. 42 Part of my daily puttering ritual is to renew the water in the vases, pinch off sad blossoms and cut down the stems.
b. transitive. To constrict at a particular point until separation into two parts occurs; to produce or isolate in this way. Also figurative.
1862 Proc. Royal Soc. 1860–62 11 120 It appeared to be that the projecting parts gradually became pinched off from the main portion, and thus formed certain irregularly rounded bodies.
1910 Jrnl. Morphol. 21 278 Various phases are shown in the process of pinching off portions of the cytoplasm of the thrombocytes to form blood platelet-like corpuscles.
1952 Proc. IRE 40 1367/1 It is the voltage that will reduce the channel to zero and pinch off the conducting path.
1956 Ess. in Crit. 6 10 Science begins to appear in the odd role of being pinched off and occupying the lonely end of a polar opposition to religion.
1996 European Jrnl. Protistol. 32 171 The closure of the nuclear envelope around the daughter nuclei pinches off a membrane tube.
c. intransitive. Chiefly Science. To split off (from) as a result of a localized constriction.
the world > relative properties > wholeness > mutual relation of parts to whole > separation > separation or detachment > become detached [verb (intransitive)] > become detached in other specific manner
to pull away1858
to pinch off1910
1910 Jrnl. Morphol. 21 278 (caption) Megakaryocyte showing a platelet in process of pinching off from a pseudopod.
1987 Sci. Amer. Dec. 46/2 The coated pit..pinches off in the cytoplasm as a little balloon of membrane called a coated vesicle.
1990 R. Morris Edges of Sci. iii. ix. 178 A newly created universe..that was created in our universe might ‘pinch off’ from our spacetime and disappear.
2002 Celluluar & Molecular Life Sci. 59 1166 The nascent particle forces the plasma membrane to form a bud, which pinches off releasing the virion particle from the cell.
d. intransitive. Chiefly Science. To undergo a localized constriction to the point of separation or closure.
1959 Bell Syst. Techn. Jrnl. 38 777 If sufficiently high voltage is applied, the channel will ‘pinch off’ and its current will essentially saturate.
1966 McGraw-Hill Encycl. Sci. & Technol. (rev. ed.) X. 233/1 The pressure at a narrow neck in the ring of fused metal is able to squeeze out the fluid metal until the neck pinches off completely, cutting off the current.
1974 J. B. Finean et al. Membranes & Cellular Functions iv. 69 A fat droplet becomes closely surrounded by a part of the plasma membrane of the secreting cell and then the bridge between the particle and the cell pinches off.
2001 Physical Rev. E. 64 061904 The instability of a collapsing cylinder is composed of two distinct stages... Ultimately, one point on the cylinder pinches off.
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