

单词 to pay homage

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to pay homage
a. In extended use: acknowledgement of superiority in respect of rank, worth, beauty, or some other quality; reverence, dutiful respect, or honour shown to someone or something; an instance or expression of this. Frequently in to pay homage.See also hat homage n. at hat n. Compounds 5.
the mind > attention and judgement > esteem > respect > [noun] > manifestation of respect
c1300 St. Theophilus (Laud) l. 41 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 289 Bi-com mi Man and do me homage, and þov schalt beo riche i-novȝ.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. l. 2687 (MED) The yonge ladi was forth fet, To whom the lordes don homage.
a1425 (?a1400) G. Chaucer Romaunt Rose (Hunterian) (1891) l. 2044 I [sc. the God of Love] haue..taken fele homages Of oon and other.
?a1475 Ludus Coventriae (1922) 151 Ȝe herd-men..For ȝoure omage and ȝour syngynge My sone xal a-qwyte ȝow in hefne se.
1508 Golagros & Gawane (Chepman & Myllar) sig. avi Thair gat he nane homage For all his hie parage.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection ii. sig. Hv To do homage and honour to almyghty god.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Comedy of Errors (1623) iii. ii. 43 Your weeping sister is no wife of mine, Nor to her bed no homage doe I owe. View more context for this quotation
1671 J. Milton Paradise Regain'd ii. 376 All these are Spirits of Air, and Woods, and Springs, Thy gentle Ministers, who come to pay Thee homage, and acknowledge thee thir Lord. View more context for this quotation
1725 M. Davys Familiar Lett. in Wks. II. 266 She thinks all Mankind born to do her Homage, and despises the tasteless Fool that can resist her Charms.
1786 R. Burns Cotter's Sat. Night xviii, in Poems & Songs (1968) I. 151 The Parent-pair their secret homage pay.
1803 J. Mackintosh in Trial J. Peltier 128 They are compelled to pay a reluctant homage to the justice of English principles.
1823 T. Chalmers Serm. I. 417 I offer them the homage of my respectful Congratulations.
1856 R. W. Emerson Eng. Traits x. 156 There is no country in which so absolute a homage is paid to wealth.
a1902 S. Butler Way of All Flesh (1903) xix. 85 That vice pays homage to virtue is notorious; we call this hypocrisy.
1973 N. Monsarrat Kappillan of Malta 216 In ones and twos, led by Bin-Said, the crowd came forward to kneel in homage and to accept their ruler.
1984 J. Updike Hugging Shore (1985) 763 Proust pens homages to such modern inventions as the railroad, the telephone, the airplane.
2000 G. Santoro Myself when I am Real (2001) 8 His [sc. Charles Mingus's] ashes were scattered over the Ganges River, in India, by Susan Graham, a homage to his Vedanta Hindu beliefs.
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