

单词 to right

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to right
(i) Also (rarely) to right, †to the rights. Formerly: †in a proper manner (obsolete). Subsequently: to or into a proper condition or order. In later use chiefly in to put (also bring, set) to rights.
the mind > goodness and badness > quality of being good > [phrase]
to rightsc1330
all (also everything) is gas and gaiters1839
(as) nice (also good, sweet, etc.) as pie1855
(as) right as rain1891
everything in the garden is lovely (also rosy)1898
she'll be right1947
society > morality > dueness or propriety > [phrase]
on (also upon) righteOE
by (good, etc.) rightc1330
to rightsc1330
well and truly1348
of very (due) right?a1366
to righta1382
at right1487
in one's way1691
the world > relative properties > order > in (proper) order [phrase] > into proper order
to the rightsc1330
to point1481
at rightsa1641
into (to) trim1827
c1330 Sir Orfeo (Auch.) (1966) l. 136 (MED) Þer come to me to fair kniȝtes, Wele y-armed al to riȝtes [a1500 Harl. at alle ryȝthis].
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 53 (MED) Of-saw he ful sone þat semliche child..cloþed..wiþ perrey & pellure pertelyche to þe riȝttes.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) 1632 (MED) Þemperour & eueri man were esed to riȝttes & haden..what þei wolde ȝerne.
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1963) 1 Chron. Prol. l. 55 Þerfore I haue don þat I myȝte bryngen to riȝt [L. digererem] þe insolible lettyngis & þe wordis of names þe whiche þurȝ vice of writeris ben confoundid.
a1450 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Lamb.) (1887) i. l. 4127 (MED) He mayntende þe lond to ryght [?a1400 Petyt to þe right].
1472–3 Rolls of Parl.: Edward IV (Electronic ed.) Parl. Oct. 1472 1st Roll §59. m. 2 That all wolles..be sufficiauntly, trewly and indifferently pakked to rights, within the royalme of Englond.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Luke vi. 10 Then was his hande restored him to right, euen as whole as the other.
c1600 (c1350) Alisaunder (Greaves) (1929) 1220 That bolde borou Byzance, þat buyld was to-rihtus, Was called syn..Constantinoble.
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. ix. 43 Bring the ship to rights, that is, againe vnder saile as she was.
1662 S. Pepys Diary 30 Jan. (1970) III. 20 Imployed all the afternoon in my chamber, setting things and papers to rights.
1706 J. Logan in Mem. Hist. Soc. Pennsylvania (1872) X. 146 When once puzzled he can with difficulty bring himself to rights.
1748 S. Richardson Clarissa III. lxxvi. 352 Sense of shame..may make rifled rank get up, and shake itself to rights.
1767 B. Franklin Let. 5 Apr. in Wks. (1887) IV. 23 I received the watch chain, which you say you send to be put to rights.
1821 T. Jefferson Autobiogr. in Writings (1892) I. 109 How the good should be secured, and the ill brought to rights, was the difficulty.
1842 G. S. Faber Provinc. Lett. I. 55 Call in Mr. Maitland,..and he will speedily set all to right.
1859 J. W. Carlyle Let. 26 Sept. in Lett. & Memorials (1883) III. 8 A good sleep would have put me to rights.
1888 J. Bryce Amer. Commonw. III. lxxxix. 216 The lists of voters, which had been carelessly..made up, were set to rights.
1929 K. S. Prichard Coonardoo xv. 144 She set to work to put her kitchen ‘to rights’.
1978 M. Lavin Tales Bective Bridge (rev. ed.) 40 It was going to take time to get the place to rights again.
1990 N. Gordimer My Son's Story 55 As she walked out she put up a hand to set a stray strand of her hair to rights.
2001 Daily Tel. 6 July 27/1 She trapezes across the world putting everything to rights.
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