

单词 to put in mind

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to put (a person) in mind
g. to put (a person) in mind: to remind (a person) of (something, etc.). Also with infinitive or subordinate clause.
the mind > mental capacity > memory > reminder, putting in mind > remind [phrase]
to put (a person) in minda1500
to put (something) into (also in) a person's head1539
to put (a person) in the head of1561
to jog the memory1778
to ring a bell1933
a1500 (a1450) Partonope of Blois (BL Add.) (1912) 2356 That canne remembraunce put [MS but] hym in mynde In wat pleyte he ys broȝthte ynne.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 674/2 Within this syxe dayes I wyll put hym in mynde of his promesse.
1549 W. Paget in J. Strype Eccl. Memorials (1721) II. 258 We thought best to put you in mind of the confirmation and revisitation of the treaty.
1587 A. Fleming et al. Holinshed's Chron. (new ed.) III. Contin. 1353/1 To put vs in mind how we violate the sabboth daie.
1607 S. Hieron Def. Ministers Reasons 46 I might put him in mind, that some learned men observe Mathew not to alleadge that testimony; but to report storie wise, how the Scribes did alleadge it to Herod.
1665 T. Herbert Some Years Trav. (new ed.) 127 This being in Asia puts me in mind, That no part of the world is so subject to earthquakes as Asia is.
1712 J. Swift Jrnl. to Stella 30 Jan. (1948) I. 476 Stella used to do such tricks formerly; he put me in mind of her.
1750 J. Mayhew Disc. Submission 52 And while I am speaking of loyalty to our earthly Prince, suffer me just to put you in mind to be loyal also to the supreme ruler of the universe.
1758 G. G. Beekman Let. 23 Nov. in Beekman Mercantile Papers (1956) I. 332 If it is not done soon Please to put him in mind of it.
1786 H. Mackenzie Lounger No. 89. ⁋10 Putting him in mind where the toast stood.
1839 G. P. R. James Gentleman of Old School I. xii. 285 Pray..put my young friend, Ralph, in mind, that he promised me a visit this afternoon.
1853 E. Bulwer-Lytton My Novel I. iii. xxix. 269 You put me in mind of an old story.
1853 E. Bulwer-Lytton My Novel II. v. ii. 11 Jarvis, put me in mind to have these inexpressibles altered.
1901 M. Franklin My Brilliant Career iii. 16 It puts me in mind ev the time wen the black fellers made the gins do all the work.
1952 C. MacKenzie Rival Monster iv. 51 They put him in mind of a hayrake they were so long and so fierce.
1987 L. Goldman Part of Fortune xii. 56 William didn't have much use for other folks' opinions. He puts me in mind of my mother that way.
extracted from mindn.1
to put in mind (also in a mind)
c. to put in mind (also in a mind): to encourage, inspire, or provoke (a person) to follow a specified course of action.
the mind > will > motivation > motivate [verb (transitive)]
to put in mind1579
1579 S. Gosson Schoole of Abuse f. 19v He feared yt he should rather put men in mind to committ such offences.
1609 Bible (Douay) I. Gen. xl. 14 Doe me this mercie: to put Pharao in mind that he take me out of this prison.
1860 N. Hawthorne Marble Faun I. xxiii. 250 She saw Hilda's tower rising before her, and was put in mind to climb up to the young girl's eyrie, and ask why she had broken her engagement at the church of the Capuchins.
1990 C. R. Johnson Middle Passage (1991) iv. 83 Really, when he talked like that, with a wink in his voice, it put me in a mind to clobber him.
extracted from mindn.1
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