

单词 to renounce the world

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to renounce the world
to renounce the world: to withdraw from the secular world in order to lead a spiritual life. [After post-classical Latin saeculo renuntiare (late 2nd cent. in Tertullian), renuntiare mundo (4th or 5th cent. in Jerome); compare Middle French, French renoncer au monde (1541 in Calvin; after Latin).]
society > society and the community > social relations > lack of social communication or relations > retirement or seclusion > seek seclusion [verb (intransitive)]
to renounce the worlda1425
to do (also pull) a Garbo1932
a1425 (a1382) Prefatory Epist. St. Jerome in Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Corpus Oxf.) (1850) 74 No man to renounse [a1425 L.V. that wole forsake; L. renuntiaturus] the world, wel may selle thingis that he hath dispisid for to selle.
a1500 tr. Thomas à Kempis De Imitatione Christi (Trin. Dublin) (1893) 78 (MED) It is not ȝouen to all þat..þei renounce þe worlde [L. sæculo renuntient] and take a Religious lif.
a1513 R. Fabyan New Cronycles Eng. & Fraunce (1516) I. clxiv. f. lxxxxiiv Vpon .viii. yeres after that Lothayre..renounsyd the Pompe of ye worlde.
1602 ( D. Lindsay Satyre (Charteris) l. 200 in Wks. (1931) II. 47 I wald renunce [1568 Bannatyne gif] all this warld quyte, For till stand in hir grace.
1657 A. Sparrow Rationale Bk. Common Prayer (1661) 290 We renounc'd the world when we were baptized.
1779 W. Cowper Love of World 25 Renounce the world—the preacher cries.
1795 Monthly Rev. Nov. 243 The members take a vow, not only to renounce the world, but their dearest friends, and are never permitted to see even their fathers or mothers.
1841 M. Elphinstone Hist. India II. x. iii. 419 Declaring his own intention of renouncing the world and indulging his love of devotion in retirement at Mecca.
1896 Times 9 Apr. 14/3 He has it borne on his conscience that he ought to renounce the world and its ensnaring passions.
1948 College Eng. 9 398/2 Merton..was converted to Catholicism; and eventually renounced the world and entered into the monastic order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance.
2001 C. Locke Gonzo Marketing viii. 205 If I question the attitudes and actions of business, does this mean I must ‘renounce the world’ in favor of penitential sackcloth and ashes?
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