

单词 to nor fro

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to nor (ne) fro
4. So (in literal and figurative senses, as above) to or fro, to nor (ne) fro In quot. 1555, neither to nor fro = ‘neither here nor there’, indifferent, immaterial. Obsolete.
the mind > attention and judgement > importance > unimportance > [adverb] > of no importance > either way
neither to nor fro1555
neither here nor there1583
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 16762 + 123 His sely lyms miȝt he not rest. To put hom to ne fro.
c1400 (?c1380) Pearl l. 347 When þou no fyrre may, to ne fro, Þou most abyde þat he schal deme.
c1530 H. Rhodes Bk. Nurture 329 Cast not thyne eyes to ne yet fro.
1555 H. Latimer Let. in J. Foxe Actes & Monuments (1563) xi. 1315/2 As it is called a fyre, so it is called a Worme;..but that is neither to nor fro.
1563 J. Foxe Actes & Monuments 1420/2 You stand dalying..& wil nether answer to nor fro.
1579 W. Fulke Heskins Parl. Repealed in D. Heskins Ouerthrowne 297 Oecumenius saith little to the purpose, too or fro.
1652 Liber Patris Sapientiæ in E. Ashmole Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum 204 Till thou hearest no manner of noyse rumbling to nor fro.
extracted from to and froadv.prep.n.adj.v.
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