

单词 to run one's risk

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to run one's risk
a. As a count noun. Frequently in to run (also take) a (also the) risk (also risks), †to run one's risk.cancer, occupational risk, etc.: see the first element.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > danger > face danger [verb (intransitive)] > risk oneself > run or take risks
to put one's finger in the fire1546
to jeopard a joint1563
to venture a joint1570
to run (also take) a (also the) risk (also risks)1621
to ride a tiger1902
to stick (also put) one's neck out1926
to lead with one's chin1949
to tickle the dragon('s tail)1964
1621 T. W. tr. S. Goulart Wise Vieillard xviii. 176 The couetous Marchant to runne vpon all hazards and risques for a handfull of yellow earth.
a1656 J. Ussher Ann. World (1658) 398 But the Lycians protested openly, That they would run any risque, rather than be in subjection to the Rhodians.
1697 J. Vanbrugh Relapse i. 16 To cut my elder Brother's Throat, without the Risque of being hang'd for him.
1718 S. Centlivre Bold Stroke for Wife i. 7 He that runs the Risque, deserves the Fair.
1740 C. Cibber Apol. Life C. Cibber viii. 155 'Till they had been assur'd they might do it, without the Risque of an Insult, to their Modesty.
1793 J. Smeaton Narr. Edystone Lighthouse (ed. 2) §103 The risque of which would have been prevented.
1808 W. Scott Marmion i. xxii. 44 Little he loves such risques, I know.
1832 Hill's Life New S. Wales (Sydney) 16 Nov. 4 All the risques I ran Of lagging, scragging, and so forth, To be a swell-mob-man.
1862 C. Knight Pop. Hist. Eng. IV. 80 They knew how infinite were the risques of democracy becoming universal licence.
β. 1655 R. Fanshawe tr. L. de Camoens Lusiad vi. 133 Spying what Risk her deare Armada ran, At once with Anger, and with feare, grew wan.1659 J. Howell Παροιμιογραϕια sig. *7v But if you are disposed to marry, marry a shrew rather then a sheep, for a Fool is fulsome, yet ye run a risk also in the other.1660 J. Sadler Olbia 336 So, the Prophet Zechary seeth First Isha..and then Eve (or Lilith, as before;) or a woman in an Epha, or Eva: with an heavy Risk of wickedness.1677 A. Hornbeck Serm. Funeral Mrs. Dorothy St. John 33 And the fear of God which he found to be the only true happiness, when he had run through all the risks of sin, she embraced.1681 T. Baker Head of Nile 32 A man were he constrain'd to one, had better run the risk of Scandalous words against His Majesty than against any of his Protesting Lords.1728 E. Chambers Cycl. (at cited word) There is a great Risk run in letting Goods go upon Credit to great Lords.1741 C. Middleton Hist. Life Cicero I. v. 353 Flaccus..for my sake slighted the risk of his fortunes and life.1741 C. Middleton Hist. Life Cicero II. vii. 74 He must necessarily run the risk of many [battles] before he could gain his end.1770 ‘Junius’ Stat Nominis Umbra (1772) II. xli. 125 If the jury run any risque of punishment.1785 W. Cowper Task iii. 705 I therefore recommend, though at the risk Of popular disgust,..The cause of piety.1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe III. vii. 165 Several witnesses were called upon to prove the risks to which Bois-Guilbert exposed himself.1869 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest III. xii. 162 It was no mark of wisdom..to run risks which might be avoided.1877 M. Oliphant Makers of Florence (ed. 2) i. 7 This extraordinary risk, from which the city..escaped.1885 W. D. Howells Indian Summer (1886) i. 2 He had, in fact, taken the prodigious risk of breaking his life sharp off from the course in which it had been set for many years.1903 A. Austin Flodden Field i. 38 Life? Risk? Life is but one long risk, With something of precaution in it too, In men not daft with daring, or with love.1908 E. F. Benson Climber 100 It [sc. the plan] was rather a hazardous one, but she was prepared to take risks.1934 A. H. R. Goldie Abercromby's Weather (rev. ed.) xvii. 267 Particular districts may be open to the risk of flooding arising from heavy rainfall or the thawing of snow.2005 Time Out N.Y. 18 Aug. 43/3 The ‘z peel’ ($125)..will have you out of the spa and back to your life without running the risk of looking like your lobster dinner.
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