

单词 to know or have liripoop

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to know or have (one's) liripoop
a. Something to be learned and acted or spoken; one's ‘lesson’, ‘rôle’, or ‘part’; chiefly in phrases to know or have (one's) liripoop, to teach (a person) his liripoop. Obsolete.
society > education > teaching > means of teaching > [noun] > a lesson > one's lesson or part
1546 Supplic. Poor Commons sig. c.i They knowe theyr lerepope so well that they drawe the tayle bytwen the legges and gette them selues streyght to the kenell.
1568 U. Fulwell Like wil to Like B iij I shal teache you bothe your liripup to knowe.
1576 T. Newton tr. L. Lemnie Touchstone of Complexions vii. 58 A wittold..Who can his lyrypoope, and gaze full mannerly For birdes nestes in the roofe, while others syckerly Dubbes him an horned knight.
1577 R. Stanyhurst Treat. Descr. Irelande vi. f. 20v/2, in R. Holinshed Chron. I I will teache thee thy lyrripups after an other fashion, then to be thus malipertly cockyng and billing with me that am thy gouernor.
1589 J. Lyly Pappe with Hatchet 30 I am nor al tales, and riddles, and rimes, and iestes, thats but my Liripoope, if Martin knock the bone he shall find marrow.
1591 J. Lyly Sapho & Phao i. iii. 163 Thou maist bee skilled in thy logick, but not in thy leerypoope.
1594 J. Lyly Mother Bombie i. iii. sig. B3v Theres a girle that knowes her lerripoope.
1606 N. Breton Poste with Packet Madde Lett. (new ed.) II. sig. B2 I see you haue little to doe, that haue so much leisure to play your leripups [1633 Luripups].
1611 R. Cotgrave Dict. French & Eng. Tongues at Roulet, Qui scait bien son roulet That knowes his liripoope, thats thoroughly prouided to speake.
a1627 W. Rowley & T. Middleton Wit at Severall Weapons i. i, in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Iiiiii4/1 So, so, I have my lerrepoop already.
a1640 J. Day & H. Chettle Blind-beggar (1659) sig. D2v I'll teach him his leripoop [printed teripoop] for stealing, whilst he hath a day to live again.
extracted from liripipeliripoopn.
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