

单词 to make one's party good

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to make one's party (also part) good
(i) to make one's party (also part) good: to make one's position, status, etc., secure; to carry out one's aim or purpose successfully; (in early use) spec. to hold one's own in a battle. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > prosperity > success > succeed or be a success [verb (intransitive)] > achieve success (of persons) > make good one's cause or position
to hold partya1375
to make one's party (also part) good?1520
?1520 A. Barclay tr. Sallust Cron. Warre agaynst Iugurth xi. f. xvi Bycause he [sc. Adherball] was nat able..to make his partie good, he fled vnto Rome.
1553 T. Wilson Arte of Rhetorique 11 David, beyng wonderfully over-matched, made his partie good, and gotte the gole of a monster.
?1556 E. P. in tr. T. Cranmer Confut. Verities Pref. sig. B.iiii For the pope, then being in warre with the French king, to make his part good & the stronger, procured the Bishops of the church of England..to entytle the kyng to his right of the realme & crown of Fraunce.
1594 H. Charteris in Lyfe & Actis William Wallace Pref. sig. *iiijv Quhen he enterit in combat, he was scarce able to mak his partie gude, to ye..subversioun of this commounwealth.
1609 P. Holland tr. Ammianus Marcellinus Rom. Hist. xxxi. ix. 415 He..by valiant resistance had made his part good, & departed out of the field on even hand.
1631 P. Heylyn Hist. St. George 53 To make good his party, against these severall Squadrons.
1662 J. Davies tr. A. Olearius Voy. & Trav. Ambassadors 6 A man hath much ado to make his party good against them [sc. gnats].
1693 tr. G. de Foigny New Discov. Terra Incognita xiii. 176 It was impossible for this poor Creature to make his part good, as..the two Birds were each of them as strong as himself.
1723 J. Barker Patch-work Screen for Ladies iii. 102 We will leave him to make his Party good, as well as he can, amidst the Censure of his Neighbours.
1732 tr. J. de La Roque Voy. Arabia Fœlix v. 157 He try'd several Times to make his Part good, but the Return of the Waves carry'd him back into the Sea in an instant.
1778 A. Murphy Know your own Mind iii. 54 Make your party good with Miss Neville.
1812 M. Edgeworth Vivian xii, in Tales Fashionable Life IV. 335 Julia has made her party good with him, for he writes me word he cannot part with her.
1823 W. Scott Waverley I. xi. 208 It was resting on their support that he was enabled to make his party good against the hatred of the nobles.
1845 A. Marsh Mount Sorel I. ii. 30 This fine estate had fallen into the hands of one who well understood..how to make his part good with the influential under the new order of things.
extracted from goodadj.n.adv.int.
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