

单词 to lie in common

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to lie in common
a. Of immaterial things: To exist, be found, have place, reside (in some specified place or quarter); to be set, fixed, or arranged in some specified position or order. †to lie fair: to be just or reasonable. †to lie in common: to be common to or among several possessors. spec. const. against, for, to, in legal use.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > vigour or energy > act or do vigorously [verb (intransitive)] > take vigorous action > and steadily
to lie at, to1583
the mind > possession > owning > belong [verb (intransitive)] > be in communal ownership
to lie in common1662
society > morality > rightness or justice > [verb (intransitive)]
to lie fair1672
a1325 (c1250) Gen. & Exod. (1968) l. 1916 For-ði wexem wið gret nið And hate, for it in ille [herte] lið.
1380 J. Wyclif Wks. (1880) 334 And þus popes & prelates kepen to hem silf assoylyng, in which lyþe wynnyng.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 22280 Al falshed and feluni, And al tresun sal in him lii.
c1449 R. Pecock Repressor (1860) 233 Whiche ij. textis, if thei ben considered as thei liggen to gidere in rewe.
1523 J. Skelton Goodly Garlande of Laurell 1200 Therby lyith a tale.
a1538 T. Starkey Dial. Pole & Lupset (1989) 22 Herin me semyth lyth a dowte.
1566 W. Adlington tr. Apuleius .XI. Bks. Golden Asse To Rdr. sig. Aiiiv I haue not..so absolutely translated euery woorde as it lieth in the prose.
1641 J. Milton Animadversions 39 If the Words lay thus in order.
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ i. i. §15 This defect..of those histories is either more general, which lies in common to them all, or [etc.].
1662 E. Stillingfleet Origines Sacræ ii. iv. §1 If the opposition did not lie between the order of true Prophets..and the false Prophets.
1672 R. Montagu in Buccleuch MSS (Hist. MSS Comm.) (1899) I. 520 Methinks it is natural and lies fair enough that..I should have some share in [etc.].
1704 J. Swift Tale of Tub iv. 110 Their Father..commanded, that whatever they got, should lye in common among them all.
1711 J. Addison Spectator No. 170. Their Acquaintance and Conversation has lain wholly among the vicious Part of Womankind.
1719 J. T. Philipps tr. B. Ziegenbalg Thirty-four Confer. 43 The fault lies at their own doors.
1845 J. R. McCulloch Treat. Taxation i. iv. 114 If the choice lay only between a tax on property and a tax on income.
1848 J. H. Newman Loss & Gain 147 He..holds many profound truths in detail, but is quite unable to see how they lie to each other.
1861 M. Pattison in Westm. Rev. Apr. 405 The people themselves, incapable of discerning where their true interest lay.
1868 E. A. Freeman Hist. Norman Conquest (1876) II. vii. 112 Their sympathies lay wholly with Gruffydd.
1883 R. W. Dixon Mano i. viii. 23 And told him all the truth, how all things lay.
1958 Times 26 Apr. 6/7 If a chief constable is dismissed by a county council an appeal lies to the Home Secretary.
1964 Mod. Law Rev. 27 iii. 322 Nowadays, after the revival of certiorari as a remedy lying for intra-jurisdictional defects, the scope of review on habeas corpus must be defined with more accuracy.
1970 Internat. & Compar. Law Q. 4th Ser. 19 ii. 306 The Erbersatzanspruch lies against the heirs, and consists of a sum equal to half the value of the portion, to which a legitimate intestate heir would be entitled.
1971 Mod. Law Rev. 34 vi. 691 Where X and Y have a regular course of dealing and are likely to make contracts in the future, a quia timet injunction will lie to prevent Z, a third party, from inducing breaches of such contracts as may be made in the future.
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