

单词 to let to mainprize

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to let (also receive) to (also in) mainprize
a. The action of procuring the release of a prisoner on someone's undertaking to stand surety (‘mainpernor’) for his or her appearance in court at a specified time. Chiefly in phrases to let (also receive) to (also in) mainprize, to deliver upon (also by) mainprize, to nim under mainprize. without bail or mainprize: with no permission to obtain release by finding sureties.
society > law > administration of justice > general proceedings > bailing or bail > [noun] > procuring release on bail
c1290 Britton (1865) I. i. xviii. §1. 67 Les aloygneours soint mis par meynprise jekes en heyre des Justices.]
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) xxxviii. 100 Þat te amendes ben anon riȝt iiuged to þe plaintif, ant te siwte imad biþoute ani delay, ant te tressepassurs idon to gode mainprise.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. xx. 17 Nede anon riȝte nymeth hym vnder meynpryse.
c1410 (c1350) Gamelyn (Harl. 7334) 744 (MED) I bidde him to maympris, þat þou graunt him me Til þe nexte sittyng of delyueraunce.
1414 Rolls of Parl. IV. 57/2 I was resseyved to meynpryse.
1423 Rolls of Parl. IV. 258/2 Put any such persone to baill or mainpris.
1444 Rolls of Parl. V. 126/2 Arrested, or let to maynprise or bayll.
a1450 (?c1350) Pride of Life l. 379 in N. Davis Non-Cycle Plays & Fragm. (1970) 101 Þer [sc. in hell] ne fallit no [MS ne] maynpris, Ne supersidias.
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. xviv There shall be no Bayle nor treatynge of maynpryse.
1554 Act 1 & 2 Philip & Mary c. 13 §1 The same Justices to be presente together at the tyme of the said Bailement or Mayneprise.
1577 R. Holinshed Hist. Irelande ii. 62/1 in Chron. I Hee afterwarde deliuered him vpon mainprise of these sureties whose names ensue.
?1577 J. Northbrooke Spiritus est Vicarius Christi: Treat. Dicing 105 They should..bee committed to the Gaole without bayle or Mainprise, for the space of three monethes.
1612 J. Davies Discouerie Causes Ireland 202 Though the Earle of Desmond were left [sic] to Mainprize, vpon condition, hee should appeare before the King by a certain day.
a1625 H. Finch Law (1636) 446 At writ of mainprise to set at liberty one baileable finding baile.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. iv. 163 That they..be..put in Prison, without being delivered in Bail, or otherwise, except by good and sufficient mainprise, to be taken before the Chancellour of England.
1744 Act 17 Geo. II c. 40 §10 There to remain without Bail or Mainprize, until Payment be made.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. III. 128 The writ of mainprize..is a writ directed to the sheriff..commanding him to take sureties for the prisoner's appearance, usually called mainpernors, and to set him at large.
a1845 R. H. Barham House-warming!! in Ingoldsby Legends (1847) 3rd Ser. 289 Taken to jail..without mainprize or bail.
1904 M. Bateson Borough Customs (Selden Soc.) I. 99 If distress be delivered by pledge or mainprise of any one, [etc.].
1940 E. De Haas Antiquities of Bail 68 The writ which Chancery issued in such cases is called the writ de manucaptione, of mainprise.
1968 R. B. Pugh Imprisonment in Medieval Eng. 204 It was fortunate for the suspect that the practice of bail and mainprise was so widespread.
extracted from mainprizen.
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