

单词 to let to farm

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to let (also put, set, etc.) (out ,†forth) to (also †in, †for) farm
P1. to let (also put, set, etc.) (out ,forth) to (also in, for) farm: to let land or property to someone at a fixed rent; (in later use chiefly) to grant a person or institution the privilege of collecting and retaining the revenues of a tax or duty in return for a fixed payment. Also in figurative and extended use. Cf. demise, grant (also lease), and to farm let at Phrases 4. Now historical. [Compare Anglo-Norman bailler a ferme, mettre a ferme, lesser a ferme, lesser au ferme (13th cent. or earlier), post-classical Latin ad firmam committere, ad firmam locare, ad firmam ponere (from 11th cent. in British sources; also in continental sources).]
society > trade and finance > selling > hiring or letting out > hire or rent out [verb (transitive)] > lease
to let (also put, set, etc.) (out ,forth) to (alsoin, for) farma1325
to let in farmage?1529
society > trade and finance > selling > hiring or letting out > hire or rent out [verb (transitive)] > let or lease land or house
to let (also put, set, etc.) (out ,forth) to (alsoin, for) farma1325
to farm out1576
society > trade and finance > fees and taxes > payment for privilege > pay for privilege [verb (intransitive)] > of collecting taxes
to let (also put, set, etc.) (out ,forth) to (alsoin, for) farma1325
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) vi. 24 Ȝif man latez his lond to ferme [Fr. si home lest sa terre a fe ferme].
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 7773 King willam..sette is tounes & is londes to ferme wel vaste Wo so mest bode þeruore & þei a lond igranted were To a man to bere þeruore a certein rent bi ȝere.
1446 in C. Rogers Rental Bk. Cupar-Angus (1879) I. 125 Be it kend..vs..to haue set and for ferm to haue lattyn al and syndry our landis of Innerychtny.
?c1450 T. Gnatyshale in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 338 I must selle or lete to ferme all þat I have.
1523 J. Fitzherbert Bk. Surueyeng viii. f. 9 So dothe ye profyte ryse to the lordes, wheder they go by way of improuement or set to ferme.
1589 A. Jenkinson in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations ii. 337 In euery good towne, there is a drunken Tauerne, called a Cursemay, which the Emperour sometime letteth out to farme.
a1618 W. Raleigh Remains (1644) 83 Letting the Realm to farm to mean persons.
1661 A. Marvell Let. 3 Jan. in Poems & Lett. (1971) II. 15 The Excise we heare is to be let to farme.
1776 A. Smith Inq. Wealth of Nations II. v. ii. 526 Taxes upon consumable commodities..may be lett in farm for a rent certain. View more context for this quotation
1785 E. Burke Speech Nabob Arcot's Debts in Wks. (1815) IV. 273 Districts which were in a condition to be let to farm.
1845 J. R. McCulloch Treat. Taxation Introd. 31 Government may let them in farm for a rent certain.
2001 Sc. Hist. Rev. 80 3 Where produce was sold, or revenues generally put to farm, tax was due on the actual cash received.
extracted from farmn.2
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