

单词 to mar one's mood

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to mar (also amar, amend, mese, ming, etc.) one's mood
a. With verbs used alliteratively, as to mar (also amar, amend, mese, ming, etc.) one's mood, marred (also minged, etc.) in one's mood. Also to mourn in mood, to mean one's mood (see mean v.2), to mean oneself of one's mood. Obsolete.to mend one's mood: see mend v. 7a.
eOE Metres of Boethius (transcript of damaged MS) viii. 44 Ðeos gitsunc hafað gumena gehwelces mod amerred.
OE Cynewulf Juliana 412 Acyrred cuðlice from Cristes æ, mod gemyrred me to gewealde in synna seað.
c1225 (?c1200) St. Katherine (1973) 608 (MED) Nes þis meiden nawiht herfore imenget in hire mod inwið.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) 3407 His mod him gon mengen; he morȝnede swiðe.
c1330 (?c1300) Speculum Guy (Auch.) (1898) 123 Hit is a derne mourni[n]g in mod.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 2259 (MED) Sua he mengud þam þair mode þat naman oþer vndirstode.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) 3059 Quils sco hir mened of hir mode Comfort had sco son ful gode.
c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness (1920) 764 Wylt þou mese þy mode and menddyng abyde?
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. x. 263 (MED) Why meuestow þi mode for a mote in þi brotheres eye.
c1440 (?a1400) Morte Arthure 3454 (MED) Mane, amende thy mode, or thow myshappen.
a1450 York Plays (1885) 179 (MED) He has fastid, þat marris his mode, Ther fourty dayes with-owten foode.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) vii. l. 1099 Als Inglismen sair murnyt in thar mude.
?1499 J. Skelton Bowge of Courte (de Worde) sig. Bij Meuyd all in moode.
a1522 G. Douglas tr. Virgil Æneid (1957) i. ii. 13 Witht sceptour in hand thair muyd to meis and still.
a1529 J. Skelton Magnyfycence (?1530) sig. Giiii He may mende your mode.
a1586 King Hart l. 170 in W. A. Craigie Maitland Folio MS (1919) I. 260 Out of mesour marrit in thair mude.
extracted from moodn.1
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