

单词 to let blood

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to let blood
d. to let blood.Frequently with indirect object indicating the recipient of the action, and with indirect passive.
(a) To extract a quantity of blood (from a person, animal, vein, or part of the body) for (supposed) therapeutic purposes, esp. by phlebotomy. Also in figurative contexts. Cf. bleed v. 9, blood v. 2a, bloodletting n. 1, let v.1 7. Now historical or archaic.
the world > health and disease > healing > medical treatment > surgery > bloodletting > let blood [verb (intransitive)]
to let bloodeOE
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) ii. xxxii. 232 Læt him blod þus..; sete glæs on oððe horn & teo þæt blod ut.
OE Prognostics (Tiber.) (2007) 406 Non est bona luna sanguinem minuere : nis na god mona blod lætan.
?a1200 (?OE) Peri Didaxeon (1896) 31 Þanne sceal þu hym læten blod mid cyrfetum betwex þan scoldrum.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 9471 Þu ært ilete [c1300 Otho hi-lete] blod and restest þe on bædde.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 11874 (MED) Hii..nome him as ilate blod he was.
a1400 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Ashm.) (1894) 246 Necessarie for to haue a ȝong culuer..& lete hir blood in a veyne vndir hir wynge wiþ a nedle.
?a1425 tr. Guy de Chauliac Grande Chirurgie (Hunterian) f. 73v Ȝif þe veine ceilen be leten blood on þe riȝt side, it is good for akkes off þe liuer.
1598 W. Shakespeare Love's Labour's Lost ii. i. 186 Is the foole sicke...Alacke, let it blood.
1614 G. Markham Cheape & Good Husb. i. 10 It is good whilst a horse is in youth..to let him blood twise in the yeere.
1679 Jesuites Ghostly Ways 7 She was the next morning early to be let blood.
1726 Dict. Rusticum (ed. 3) Red-water... This is also a Distemper in Sheep which is Cured by letting them blood in the foot.
1774 J. Wesley Let. 8 Jan. (1931) VI. 66 I was tapped by Mr. Wathen, and now..I am well and easy... The being tapped, if you have a skilful surgeon, is no more than being let blood.
a1821 J. Keats Ode to Fanny in R. M. Milnes Life, Lett. & Lit. Remains Keats (1848) II. 284 Physician Nature! let my spirit blood! O ease my heart of verse and let me rest.
1887 Lancet 29 Oct. 886/1 The obvious therapeutical indication is to lower the tension, to reduce the volume of blood. To accomplish this..the obvious remedy is to let blood.
1948 W. R. Benét Reader's Encycl. 4 Absolon, a priggish parish clerk in The Miller's Tale in Chaucer Canterbury Tales... He can let blood, cut hair, and shave, can dance, and play either on the ribible or the gittern.
1992 B. Unsworth Sacred Hunger xxxiv. 365 He had a sanguine constitution of body. I remember letting him blood on occasion.
2006 C. R. Burns et al. in R. E. Rakel Essent. Family Med. (ed. 3) iii. 28/2 Though an apprentice of Rush who ‘let blood’ from some of their patients in 1799, John Redman Coxe..did not agree with his teacher's rejection of ancient medical theory.
(b) In extended use: to cause to bleed, esp. by cutting; (also) to shed the blood of, kill. Cf. bloodletting n. 2.Frequently in figurative context or with punning allusion to Phrases 1d(a).
the world > life > death > killing > kill [verb (intransitive)]
to shed blood?a1100
to let blood?c1225
to be (a person's) priesta1450
to throw (also turn, etc.) over the perch1568
to trip (also turn, tumble, kick, etc.) up a person's heels1587
to make dice of (a person's) bones1591
to put out (also quench) a person's light(s)1599
to fix1875
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 89 Þe lette him [sc. Christ] blod oþe rode. naut on þe arm ane ach dude ofif halue. forto heale moncun.
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1869) II. 147 Þey [sc. Picts]..were ofte boistousliche i-lete blood and hadde many woundes.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard III iii. i. 180 His auncient knot of dangerous aduersaries To morrow are let bloud at Pomfret Castle. View more context for this quotation
1654 Bp. J. Taylor Real Presence 254 The Montanists having sprinkled a little child with meal, let him blood, and of that made their Eucharistical bread.
1684 T. Southerne Disappointment i. i. 3 To prevent the growth of Cuckoldom, At their Expence they Physick the whole Camp, And make a War, only to let us Blood.
1701 E. Settle Virgin Prophetess v. 38 1st M. Instead of opening one of his own mad Veins, he opens half a Nations. 3d M. Right, Neighbour. And so they let us Blood for their Cure.
1807 W. Ioor Battle of Eutaw Springs v. 53 Let me blood with a soldiers lancet, if there is any body on this side of the Atlantic,..who cares a rush about the fate of..Oliver Matthew Queerfish, esquire.
1993 Sat. Night (Toronto) Feb. 27/2 Two hundred and fifty nights a year, Bret Hart..jumps off the top-ropes, kisses canvasses, lets blood and peers into unsightly mobs.
2000 S. Gilbert Tattoo Hist. v. 42 A woman cannot be tattooed during seed time nor if a dead person is lying unburied in the house, since it is pemali to let blood during these occasions.
extracted from bloodn.int.
to let blood
a. To allow the escape of (confined fluid); to shed (tears, blood); to emit (breath, sounds, etc.). Also, to discharge (a gun). to let blood (Surgery): see blood n. Phrases 1d. Obsolete or dialect.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going or coming out > letting or sending out > let or send out [verb (transitive)] > let out
to let out1154
to let forth1574
to give vent1594
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > action of propelling missile > discharge of firearms > fire (a gun) [verb (transitive)]
to fire off1706
to let off1714
to set off1881
to ease off1916
c1000 Sax. Leechd. II. 46 Læt þu him blod on ædre.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 9471 Þa cnihtes scullen suggen..þat þu ært ilete [c1300 Otho hi-lete] blod.
1297 R. Gloucester's Chron. (Rolls) 8507 Þe teres þat hii lete so riue.
c1374 G. Chaucer tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. (Cambr.) iii. metr. i. 50 The wynd nothus leteth hise plowngy blastes.
c1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis I. 268 Tho was ther manye teres lete.
14.. A.B.C. on Pass. Christ 202 in Pol., Rel. & L. Poems 249 Þe blod þat cryst let for mankende.
1553 J. Bale Vocacyon 40 Than caused the Captaine a pece of ordinaunce to be fiered, and a gunne to be lete, to call backe the purser.
1559 P. Morwyng tr. C. Gesner Treasure of Euonymus 120 Take the bloud of sanguin yong men using a good diet whyles it is newly letten.
1600 P. Holland tr. Livy Rom. Hist. xxvi. xiv. 594 Before they let their last breath.
1662 J. Davies tr. A. Olearius Voy. & Trav. J. Albert de Mandelslo 190 in Voy. & Trav. Ambassadors Over~reaching her self to take a flaggon that stood a little too far from her, she chanced to let a wind backwards.
1712 J. Arbuthnot John Bull Still in Senses v. 19 The Oak that let many a heavy Groan, when he was cleft with a Wedge of his own Timber.
1718 A. Ramsay Christ's-kirk on Green ii. 14 The bald Good-wife..loot an Aith.
1786 R. Burns Poems & Songs (1968) I. 161 He..loot a winze.
1820 P. B. Shelley Œdipus Tyrannus i. 20 I'll slily seize and Let blood from her weasand.
1832 E. Bulwer-Lytton Eugene Aram I. i. v. 84 Mr. Walter..wants to consult you about letting the water from the great pond.
extracted from letv.1
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