

单词 to hold good

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to hold good
c. To be or remain valid; to subsist; to be in force; to apply. Also to hold good, to hold true.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > foundation in fact, validity > be or remain valid [verb (intransitive)]
to hold out water1598
to run on all fours1617
hold water1622
to pass for (later as) sterling1641
c1315 Shoreham 64 That treuthynge darf naut healde.
1581 G. Pettie tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. (1586) iii. 127 b My rule holdeth not.
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard III ii. iii. 7 Doth this newes hold of good King Edwards death? View more context for this quotation
1598 W. Shakespeare Henry IV, Pt. 1 i. ii. 30 Thou saiest well, and it holds wel to. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Timon of Athens (1623) v. i. 3 Does the Rumor hold for true, That hee's so full of Gold? View more context for this quotation
1655 J. Playford Introd. Skill Musick ii. 4 This rule likewise holds if the Notes descend a second.
c1680 W. Beveridge Serm. (1729) I. 11 The same reason holds good also as to the sacrement of the Lord's supper.
1716 J. Addison Freeholder No. 31 The Logick will hold true of him which is applied to the great Judge of all the earth.
1818 P. B. Shelley Let. 30 Apr. (1964) II. 14 But this holds good, as I know, only to Milan.
1825 J. R. McCulloch Princ. Polit. Econ. i. 15 It will hold good in nineteen out of twenty instances.
1841 Jrnl. Royal Agric. Soc. 2 ii. 192 The same reason holds with regard to corn.
1871 S. Smiles Character ii. 33 The saying of the poet holds true in a large degree.
1892 H. R. Mill Realm of Nature vii. 101 This law does not hold for gases.
1937 Discovery May 139/1 His words of seven years ago hold good today.
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