

单词 to give fire

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to give fire
c. to give fire and variants.
(a) To launch an attack with artillery or firearms; to shoot, fire; (also of a firearm or other gun) to discharge a bullet or projectile. Formerly also †to make fire. Also figurative. Cf. to open fire at Phrases 2f, to return fire at return v.1 Phrases 1. Now rare.Originally sometimes encompassing the notion of igniting a charge or fuse; cf. Phrases 2c(b). [Compare Middle French, French faire feu to discharge a firearm (15th cent.).]
1556 J. Heywood Spider & Flie lxv. sig. *Eeiiv The watch towre strake a larum: thenmyes discrieng The goonners gaue fire: and first at raundon, thay: Shot of, the goonstones among the flies flying.
1593 M. Sutcliffe Pract., Proc., & Lawes of Armes xviii. 281 Of al peeces the demy coluerine in the nose and poope is most effectuall, both for the long reach, and for that it giueth the fire all out of the ship.
1643 Observ. Earle of New-castles Declar. 11 For your Latine ante mota certamina, I shall draw up a squadron of Latine to give fire on his Lordships, non est pudor transire ad meliora.
1657 R. Ligon True Hist. Barbados 8 Some of the soldiers of the Castle gave fire upon them.
1678 G. Fox & J. Burnyeat New-Eng.-fire-brand Quenched 19 He first gave fire upon me in this following Letter.
1684 Relation Taking of Prevesa 3 The 26. the Breach was considerable, and the Enemies made very little fire with their Musquets.
1706 London Gaz. No. 4243/1 We made..great fire all Night with our Cannon.
1727 S. Colliber Columna Rostrata v. 147 Having rudely dismis'd the English commissioners, they gave fire on the fleet.
1751 R. Paltock Life Peter Wilkins II. vi. 46 I then shewed them how I made it [sc. the gun] give Fire, by snapping the Cock.
1842 E. Thornton Hist. Brit. Empire in India III. xviii. 114 The sentinels on the ramparts gave fire on hearing the disturbance.
1898 Mil. Notes on Cuba (U.S. Adjutant-General's Office: Mil. Information Div.) 320 All of which [guns] might possibly give fire against an advance from the mouth of the bay.
2014 D. Rodriguez Rise 136 If anyone can hear this, give fire on three! One..two..three!
(b) To apply a source of fire such as a match to an explosive charge, firearm, fuse, etc. Formerly also of a fuse: †to ignite readily (obsolete). Now historical.See note at Phrases 2c(a).
the world > matter > properties of materials > temperature > heat > burning > burn or consume by fire [verb (transitive)] > kindle or set alight
to set (a) fire in, on, upon, of, now only toc1400
to light upa1500
to shoot (something) on firec1540
to give fire1562
to touch off1759
1562 P. Whitehorne Certain Waies Orderyng Souldiers f. 36, in tr. N. Machiavelli Arte of Warre Gyuinge fyre to the sayde balles, and throwinge them emonge the enemies, they will doo maruelus and wonderfull hurte.
1590 J. Smythe Certain Disc. Weapons 21 The Harquebuziers giving fire with their matches..to the touchpowder.
1607 T. Tomkis Lingua iv. i. sig. Hv He comes back, and giues fire to the tutch-hole.
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. v. 85 These Fuses are very certain to give Fire.
1704 Clarendon's Hist. Rebellion III. xiii. 354 The Lady..having given fire her self to the Cannon.
1761 T. Gray Let. 24 Sept. in Corr. (1971) II. 756 Fire was given to all the lustres at once by trains of prepared flax.
1887 Professional Papers Corps of Royal Engineers 13 123 [During the Englsh Civil War] the man who gave fire, held two linstocks, one in each hand; with one he first lighted the fuze, and then with the other he, immediately after, gave fire to the priming.
1905 J. Masefield Sea Life Nelson's Time ii. 37 When a man gave fire to a piece he..applied the red end [of the match] to the train of powder.
2008 S. Bull Furie of Ordinance i. 23 Some of the priming powder was around the top of the hole, so that the man who gave fire to the gun did not have to place his linstock or portfire directly into the hole.
(c) Farriery. Also to give the fire. To perform cautery; to carry out firing (firing n. 5). Obsolete (historical in later use).Occasionally with horse as indirect object.
1566 T. Blundeville Order curing Horses Dis. clxxxv. f. 119v (heading) , in Fower Offices Horsemanshippe Of Cauterization, or gyuing the fyre.
1607 E. Topsell Hist. Foure-footed Beastes 384 He would haue the left side to be bathed in warme water and to be hard rubbed. And if al this wil not helpe, then to giue him the fire.
1635 G. Markham Faithful Farrier 103 There are two waies to give Fire, the one Actuall, and the other Potential.
1740 H. Bracken Farriery Improv'd (ed. 2) II. vi. 217 The Absurdity of giving the Fire for the Cure of Bog-Spavins.
1772 S. Freeman Farrier's Vade Mecum xliii. 86 If the Part is much swelled, give the Fire, and afterwards apply a blistering Plaister over the Wound.
1849 W. Percivall Hippopathology IV. i. 111 If, then, we take it to be a settled point that it is our duty or best policy to give the fire.
1910 Amer. Jrnl. Vet. Med. 5 138 It was the custom to tear out the sole of the foot on which the ringbone appeared,..usually followed by ‘giving the fire’.
extracted from firen.int.
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