

单词 to give credence to

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to give (also lend) credence to


P1. to give (also lend) credence to.
a. To accept (a statement, etc.), or accept the statement of (a person, etc.), as true.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > believe [verb (intransitive)]
to give credence toc1395
to add faith to?1483
to give credit to something1533
to take (large etc.) stock in (rarely of)1870
c1395Ȝyue credence to [see sense 2a].
c1405 (c1380) G. Chaucer Second Nun's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 415 But they conuerted at hir wise loore Wepten ful sore and yauen ful credence Vn to hir word.
1586 G. Pettie & B. Yong tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. (rev. ed.) iv. f. 218v If I had not giuen credence to that Prouerbe, That it is better to bee a Martyr than a Confessour.
1612 T. Taylor Αρχὴν Ἁπάντων: Comm. Epist. Paul to Titus iii. 2 Thou maist not giue credence to so slender a testimony.
1720 J. Dart tr. Tibullus Wks. iii. iv. 185 Think not that I can any Credence give, Or in such idle Fancies place Belief.
1786 E. Burke Speech 26 Apr. in Jrnls. House of Commons (1803) XLI. 619/2 Instructions, to which it seems Credence was to be given.
1803 Washington Federalist 4 Feb. 1/1 The Republicans in the United States will know how to give credence to the bold assertions of the democrats that this state is fast hastening to join the phalanx of democracy.
1812 J. Murray Lett. & Sketches of Serm. I. 52 Whoever lends credence to this divine report, will have peace and joy in believing.
1879 W. H. Dixon Royal Windsor II. v. 46 Charles had given him credence as a man of truth.
1924 C. T. Seltman Athens xii. 85 (note) It seems impossible to lend credence to the suggestions of the two first mentioned scholars.
a1933 J. A. Thomson Biol. for Everyman (1934) II. 892 No longer..do we give credence to tales of sea-serpents two hundred feet long.
2009 Guardian 15 Apr. 31/2 The daft idea that people would give credence to online gossip authored in Downing Street.
b. To render (a statement, etc.) (more) believable, to give (more) credibility to.
1854 Hampshire Advertiser 8 Apr. 5/6 The long-continued absence of Mr. Uzielli from the meetings of the board lends credence to the rumour that that gentleman is also about to vacate his seat.
1898 Outlook 21 May 157/1 This..gives credence to the vague talk about a union of the Latin races.
1921 Young Woman's Jrnl. Feb. 108/2 These testimonies..give credence to the declarations of one of their fellow men.
1972 Sci. Amer. Feb. 32/2 This information lends credence to the concept of sidedness in membranes.
1997 J. Hatfield & G. Burt Unauthorized X-Cycl. 135 [He] had photographs, scientific endorsement, and plausible evidence to lend credence to his story.
2012 S. Coleman & A. M. Robb Rising Tide ii. 35 This finding gives credence to the theories that women are more reluctant to share control with outsiders.
letter of credence n. chiefly Diplomatic = credential letter n. at credential adj. a.
society > law > legal document > authenticating document > [noun] > document certifying bearer > letter of credence or commendation
letter of credence?a1400
letter testimonial1425
credential letter1433
letter of credit1552
commendatory letter or epistle1555
letter of commendation1555
letter of reference1616
creditive letter1662
?a1400 (a1338) R. Mannyng Chron. (Petyt) ii. 258 Þis letter of credance þei schewed.
1461 W. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 165 Suche tydyngys as my lady of York hath by a lettre of credens.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Edward IV f. ccxviii He deliuered to the kynge, letters of credence..which willed the kyng to geue credite and perfait faith to the duke.
1596 W. Warner Albions Eng. (rev. ed.) xi. lxv. 279 With Letters then of Credence for himselfe, and Marte for them, He puts to Sea for England.
1634 T. Herbert Relation Some Yeares Trauaile 123 Sir Robert Sherley had the Kings Letter of Credence or Firman, to testifie the truth of it.
1711 London Gaz. No. 4821/3 He [sc. an envoy] carries Letters of Credence with him.
1760 A. Mitchell Let. 31 July (1850) II. xii. 182 Baron Edelsheim had..no letter of credence, but only a letter from Minister to Minister, in which even a blank was left for the inserting of his name.
1860 J. L. Motley Hist. Netherlands (1868) I. viii. 493 Grafigori then asked for a written letter of credence.
1944 D. Cooper Diary 18 Nov. (2005) 337 At 9.45..I set forth with all my civilian staff to present my letters of credence.
1998 Times 25 June 26/1 His Excellency Monsieur Ibrahima Sylla was received in audience by The Queen today and presented the Letters of Recall of his predecessor and his own Letters of Credence as Ambassador.
extracted from credencen.
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